Funicle (funiculus) The stalk attaching the ovule (later the seed) to the placenta in angiosperm ovaries. Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed.
珠柄:被子植物子房中连接胚珠(之后的种子)和胎座的柄。营养物质通过珠柄传递到胚珠和种子。 |
Funjian province is at the south-east coast of China and adjacent to Taiwan.Since the economic opening,lots of Chinese people outside of main land came back to thier home town and invested large amounts of money to local industry.So until today,Fujian has
福建是中国南方重要省份,是华侨主要故乡,开放以来印尼、马来西亚、台湾地区等各地中国人纷纷回国投资,境内出口工业篷勃发展,尤其制鞋工业、各种工艺品制造业等已成为全世界重要的生产供应中心。 |
Funk, an endocrinologist in the UA Department of Medicine, says this study provides several noteworthy firsts.Completed with the researchers' own prepared, well-defined extracts, the study represents the first documentation of the chemical composition of
提取物完全是由研究者自己制备,自己提炼,这项研究是第一次把姜黄提取物的化合物在活体内进行实验验证抗风湿的效力。 |
Funky cheese; funky cellars.
霉味的乳酪;发出霉臭味的地窖 |
Funky chicks: These coloured chicks are sold as pets in Manila even as the Philippine Health Department unveils new measures to help protect the country from the entry of the dreaded bird flu virus.
上图为马尼拉正出售彩色的小鸡,尽管菲律宾健康卫生部门公布了新的政策来确保国家免受可怕的禽流感侵袭,孩子们似乎不以为然。 |
Funnily enough, some out-and-out capitalist economists would agree.
说来可笑,一些纯正的资本主义经济学家也会对此表示赞同。 |
Funnily enough, the hometown of Hengist of Woodcroft (fw11). Woodcroft is a tiny village located in Gloucestershire, England.
有趣的是,这里是名巫亨吉斯特·伍得克夫特的故乡(巫师卡片第十一张)。伍得克夫特是英格兰格罗西斯特郡里一个极小的村庄。 |
Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.
实在好笑。你可以在网路上转寄笑话,使它们像原野之火般的蔓延;但是,当你寄出谈论上帝的篇章,人们却迟疑要不要转送出去与人分享。 |
Funny how you can send \'jokes\' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.
实在好笑。你可以在网络上转寄笑话,使它们像原野之火般的蔓延;但是,当你寄出谈论上帝的篇章,人们却迟疑要不要转送出去与人分享。 |
Funny howwhen you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your addresslist because you're not sure what they believe,or what theyWILL think of you for sending it.
好玩的是,你没有转寄这篇给你通讯录上所有的朋友,因为你不确定其中一些人所信的是什麽,或者你不确定他们会怎麽猜想你为什麽寄给他们。 |
Funny to see how much taller Yao is than a guy who is 7'2...unreal.
看看姚比一个7'2的人高出多少,真滑稽....给人一种不真实的感觉。 |