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My wife is expecting again.

My wife is an excellent manager. 我的妻子是位优秀的管理者。
My wife is angry with me, but she'll come around soon. 我的太太跟我生气,但她很快就会同意我的。
My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the month. 我的妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假的日子。
My wife is currently working in China as a missionary. 我的妻子最近在中国做传教士工作。
My wife is expecting a baby. 我太太怀孕了。
My wife is expecting again. 我妻子又怀孕了。
My wife is expecting me at home. I must be off now. So long! 我妻子正在家等着我呢。我必须要走了。再见!
My wife is fond of chocolates; She has a very setter tooth. 我的妻子喜欢巧克力,好吃甜食。
My wife is ill in hospital and I have sprained my ankle. It never rains but it pours. 例句:我的妻子生病住院,我有扭伤了脚。真是祸不单行。
My wife is not able to come and I have a di er party to go at eight, so I think I can only check one apartment tonight. 我太太今晚没有空,而我八时要参加一个晚宴,所以我想今晚只能看一个公寓单位。
My wife is such a nag about my smoking - she keeps after me all day long to stop it. 这个人说:我的太太在我抽烟的问题上真是爱唠叨,为了要我戒烟她成天说个没完。

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