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A dood poem must have reached the pinnacle of the contemporary culture. However, it needs the cooperation of a revolution in science to accomplish the mission of mankind.

A domestic animal is the highest being of animals, other incarnations then proceed in a human body. 一个驯养的动物是最高的生命的动物,然后继续赋予人身。
A domesticated yak, used as a work animal or raised for meat and milk. 牦牛一种家用牦牛,用作干活的牲畜或为其肉和奶而饲养
A dominant bacterium which can effectively degrade Abamectin was isolated from contaminated soil, and its degradation characteristics and mechanism was studied. 摘要从污染土壤中分离到一株高效降解阿维菌素的菌株,初步研究了其降解特性和机理。
A domination of the market by a single company. 由单一公司统治市场的局面。
A donkey is a stubborn animal. 驴子是不易对付的动物.
A dood poem must have reached the pinnacle of the contemporary culture. However, it needs the cooperation of a revolution in science to accomplish the mission of mankind. 一首好诗,一定是当代文化的最高点.它需要科学革命的合作而完成人类的使命。
A door slightly opened,and then closed on the sly,before people could see what behinds it. 一扇门轻轻的打开了,又悄悄地关上,使人们还来不及看清楚里面隐藏了什么。
A dormant volcano is quiet at present. 一个暂停活动的火山目前是静止的。
A dose of digitoxin which was totally “therapeutic” and innocuous at age 60 may produce severe toxicity and even death at age 70. 对60岁(的患者)起很好治疗作用而无损害的洋地黄毒甙可能对70岁的患者产生严重的毒性反应,甚至可导致死亡。
A dose of poison made the noisy man's nose rosy. 一剂毒药使得吵闹的男子的鼻子变成玫瑰色.
A dose of this stuff will purge you! 这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!

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