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Alliance to GHH-RAND company of German whose hi-tech bring us to another new level, especially in our spiral air-compressor manufacturing, products are the first rate conform to international level, can compare favorably with those in the Euro-American ma

Alliance Air is a subsidiary of state-run Indian Airlines. 联盟航空公司是国营印度航空公司的一家分支公司.
Alliance Primary School Kowloon Tong students thought that train station should be located near the residential area for the convenience of residents. 九龙塘宣道小学同学认为车站应放在住宅区旁边,方便居民。
Alliance organizers tried for a record last year, but their 24-hour, 16-minute game fell short of the record by 44 minutes. 阿莱恩斯市的组织者们早在去年就曾尝试着创造新的纪录,但他们当时的比赛只持续了24小时16分,比原纪录少了44分钟。
Alliance paladins will now receive, for free, a pink cloud to sit on that glides and leaves a trail of glitter and flowers. 联盟圣骑士现在免费获得粉红色的筋斗云,筋斗云在空中滑行并且留下充满闪光和花瓣的尾迹。
Alliance races will not be able to ally or party with Horde races. 联盟内的种族将不能与部落中的种族结盟或者组队。
Alliance to GHH-RAND company of German whose hi-tech bring us to another new level, especially in our spiral air-compressor manufacturing, products are the first rate conform to international level, can compare favorably with those in the Euro-American ma 德国GHH-RAND公司先进技术的加盟,使公司在螺杆式空气压缩机的制造技术上又上了一个新的台阶,其产品已达到国际一流水平,与欧美市场同步。
Alliances are more likely to be organized by equity joint venture (EJV) when more uncertainties or complexities are involved, while the existence of alliance experience decreases firm's reliance on formal governance structure. 当联盟中涉及更多的不确定性或复杂性时,企业更可能选择股权形式的联盟治理结构;而联盟经历的存在则减少了对股权型联盟治理结构的依赖。
Alliances between houses are not common, if a particular threat warrants. 除非有外部的威胁,否则家族间的联盟并不常见。
Alliances: Order of the Phoenix (NR2, OP2 -8), and who knows what else. 所属团体:凤凰社(NR2,凤凰社第二章至第八章),其他未知。
Allied BAR Suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover. 盟军的BAR自动步枪的压制射击技能将不能压制或钉死重掩护下的单位。
Allied BARs suppression duration is now 7s from 15s. BAR的压制时间从15秒降低为7秒。

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