If a person wants to cross to the diagonally opposite corner of where they are, and walk diagonally across the intersection instead of safely crossing the street twice, they are literally cutting corners.
字面上的意思就是直接走对角线穿越交叉路口到斜对面,而非安全地两段式过马路。 |
If a person's BAC peaked at 0.2%, six hours later his or her probable BAC would still be over 0.1%.
如果人体血液内的酒精含量超过0.2%,在六个小时后他的含量仍然会高于0.1%。 |
If a person's act of justifiable defence obviously exceeds the limits of necessity and causes serious damage, he shall bear criminal responsibility; however, he shall be given a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment.
正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。 |
If a person's nervous system has the problem, may imagine in the information transmission can have the problem, can neglect the reflection which foreign stimulates, even is the information receiving system has the disorder; Same if in enterprise informati
如果一个人的神经系统出现问题,可以想象在信息的传达上就会出现问题,就会忽视对外界刺激的反映,甚至是信息接收系统发生紊乱;同样的如果企业信息化建设过程中如果没有将相应的计算机网络系统搭建好(也即是我们通常所说的企业信息化建设的基础设施),那么信息的传输肯定会出现问题,企业的信息化建设也就成为一纸空谈,甚至就会有“万丈高楼沙滩起,一夜坍塌悔不已”的感觉。 |
If a pet kills an outlaw after its master is dead, can he get a benefit from the outlaw's death?
如果某人死亡后但是他的宠物杀死了敌人,那么这个人能否获得收益? |
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a digital camera is worth 10,000 pages of jargon, double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook, as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.
如果一张照片抵得上一千字,那么当你开始选购一架数码相机时,你很快会发现:一架数码相机简直就相当于一万页行话连篇、晦涩难懂的光学官样文章。 |
If a piece of software is in use when you update it, the old version remains active until the application or service is restarted.
当升级软件时如果它的一部分正被使用,旧版的活动部分会留下直到程序或服务被重新启动。 |
If a plant extract helped to fight an infection, why bother trying to figure out which molecule did the trick?
如果草药熬出的汤汁能够治疗某种疾病,为什么还要劳神费力地写出这一药剂的分子式呢? |
If a playe is not interfering with play or seeking to gain an advantage,then he should be.
假如一个球员并没妨碍比赛或从中获取利益,那越位又有什么关系。 |
If a player has no cards in his hand, or has no cards he wishes to play, then he can draw one from the top of his deck and place it without looking at it.
如果某位玩家没有手牌了,或者没有他想出的牌了,他可以从自己的牌库中抓一张并直接面朝下放到场上,这过程中玩家不可以看那张牌的牌面。 |
If a player has two or more fleets headed to the same astro, they will automatically merge once both have arrived at the planet.
但是,舰队的行动不能自动探测到,除非是玩家自己的舰队或是盟友的舰队。 |