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When you get right down to it, they are simply a band of strange and unusual youth, neither fish nor fowl, adept at flowing with the tide.

When you get it as rarely as he does, you have to do everything else well.You have to keep the ball down to get double plays and avoid the home run, field the position well, hold runners, and, most of all, avoid walks, wild pitches, and other mistakes. 若以王建民的方式来解决打者,则必须有许多条件的配合,必须将球投低以制造双杀机会及避免被击出全垒打、野手必须守在适当位置、尽量使打者不会上垒,最主要者,必须避免保送、暴投及其他失误发生。
When you get older you should slow down and live a quiet life. 当你上了年纪,就应该降慢生活节奏,过一种平静的生活。
When you get on the plane, set your watch to the new time zone and try and place yourself in it. 当你上了飞机,把你的表调整到新的时区,并尽量使自己适应这个时间。
When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver the ticket stub. 当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。
When you get right down to it, appearance is more important than quality. 彻底了解后,你会知道外观比质量更重要。
When you get right down to it, they are simply a band of strange and unusual youth, neither fish nor fowl, adept at flowing with the tide. 说到底,他们其实是光怪陆离非驴非马社会中一群得心应手的弄潮儿。
When you get stuck, try skipping over the trouble spot to get what you can out of the readings. 当你卡住的时候,试著跳过那个问题点去获得你能从那些文章中获得的。
When you get there, you will find an unsuspecting people and a spacious land that God has put into your hands, a land that lacks nothing whatever. 10你们到了那里,必看见安居无虑的民,地也宽阔。神已将那地交在你们手中。那地百物俱全,一无所缺。
When you get through with your work, let's go out. 你工作做完以后,我们就出去吧。
When you get through with your work,let's go out. 等你做完工作,我们就出去。
When you get to be my age (which, for some of you, is really old, though it doesn't seem so old to me anymore), you will find yourself beginning to ask, did my life make a difference? 当你们到我这个岁数时(这个年纪对我来说并不算老,但在你们其中一些人看来,实在是垂垂老矣),你们会发现自己开始扪心自问:我的一生曾对别人有所助益吗?

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