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Rachid Gandra is a tea taster and blender for an important company in London.

Rachel: Yes, but Rebecca really has her heart set on this position. 雷切尔:对。李贝卡真的一心一意想谋得这个职位。
Rachel: You don't look evil. 雷切尔:你看起来没那么邪恶。
Rachel: You know honey, there is a thin line between love andhate, and it turns out that line...is a scarf! “爱与恨只有一线之隔,何况这条线还是一条漂亮的围巾呢?”
Rachel: You know, I must be getting old. After less than a morning of shopping, I'm starting to get tired. 拉结:你知道,我一定是年纪愈来愈大了。购物不到(近乎)一个上午之后,我开始变得疲倦。
Rachel:Okay come on Phoebe,it's nothing! Monica,come on! 瑞秋:好了,菲比,这没有什么!莫尼卡,别这样!
Rachid Gandra is a tea taster and blender for an important company in London. 理查·甘达是伦敦一家大公司的品茶师和配茶师。
Rachis -- 脊柱:
Racial cleansing serves as a case in point to illustrate the lengths some people will go to prove their superiority . 种族清洗是恰当的例子,用来说明一些人为了证明他们的优越性而走了多远。
Racial discrimination sometimes will fuel civil unrest. 种族的歧视,有时会添加国内的不安。
Racial perceptions during the Pacific War. 太平洋战争时期的种族意识。
Racial prejudice is (an) anathema to me. 我对种族偏见深恶痛绝.

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