Get with it, Dad, that kind of razor hasn't been made for years.
跟上点潮流吧,老爸,那种剃须刀已经很多年都不生产了。 |
Get with the current moment, Mr. secretary and Mr. president, let's get a fresh face over at the department of defense.
看看现在的形势吧,先生部长和总统先生,让我们以清新的面孔面对国防部。 |
Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.
赛30:11你们要离弃正道、偏离直路.不要在我们面前、再题说以色列的圣者。 |
Get your bicycle and come for a spin.
把你的自行车拿来去兜一圈。 |
Get your bow and arrow Cupid!
来体验一下党爱神的感觉吧?! |
Get your crap off my bed!
把你那些乱七八糟的东 西从我床上搬走。 |
Get your equipment ready, it's coming up to zero hour.
把你们的器材准备好,开始行动的时刻到了。 |
Get your friends and book a table in the cozy alp house for a great evening.
带上您的朋友坐在舒适的瑞士小屋来享受温暖的夜晚,您可以零点也可以选择我们为您准备的精美套餐。 |
Get your ideas on paper.
把你的想法写下来。 |
Get your maggoty ass on the bus.
滚到车上来! |
Get your pens and pages ready.
准备好纸和笔。 |