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This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, as the aversion power.

This is a measure of how well current antivirus technology can keep this threat from spreading. 这测量了当前的反病毒技术能多好的阻止这恶意程序的传播。
This is a mechanism using a slider to transit a rotation to reciprocating the linear motion skimpily. 此机构利用一滑槽,即可简单的将圆周运动转成直线的简谐往复运动。
This is a meeting for all people. 这是一次全体会议。
This is a meeting of all members. 这是一次全体会议。
This is a meetting in a body. 这是一次全体会议。
This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, as the aversion power. 如同“厌恶术”异能,这是影响心灵的强迫效果。
This is a minimal approach, perhaps good enough for a prototype. 这是一个最小的方法,但对于原型来说已经足够好了。
This is a miracle in Islamic architecture. 这是伊斯兰建筑中的一个奇迹。
This is a mixture of the best tobacco. 这是由最好的烟叶配制成的。
This is a modern style game of hangman. In Uga - Uga you are served a beautiful graphic instead of sticky man like in the traditional hangman. 一款现代风格的刽子手游戏。游戏中你要按要求用字母拼写字词来拯救被处死刑的人。
This is a more principled strategy than flattery, and less risky than walking or whingeing, but it is not wholly satisfactory either. 这种策略比阿谀奉承有原则,比走人或抱怨安全,但也不是尽如人意。

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