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Gas up a car; gassed up before the trip.

Gas seepage causes a certain ecologic influence on the local area. 气田烃类渗漏将对当地生态环境的造成一定影响。
Gas source correlation in north part of Songliao basin is very difficult because most deep natural gas is dry. 松辽盆地北部深层天然气绝大部分为干气,气源对比很困难。
Gas supply Gas pipeline spreads all over the zone with Yuxi Branch, Chongqing Gas Co., Ltd., East Sichuan Gas Development Company, Sichuan Petrol and Gas Agent and South Sichuan Gas and Mine Agent, which supply gas 2 million cubic meters a day. 供气九龙坡区由重庆燃气渝西分公司、川东燃气开发公司、四川石油输气管理处、川南气矿管理处等单位供气,日供气量达200万立方米。
Gas supply:The gas west-east transfer project has been in operation. 供气:“西气东输”的天然气漯河已经开通。
Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. 石油经过加热,最先冒出来的蒸汽冷却后就是质量最高的汽油。
Gas up a car; gassed up before the trip. 给小汽车加油;在出发之前把油加好
Gas was long seen as an inconvenient byproduct of producing oil, often found in the same places but expensive and difficult to transport to any markets. 长期以来,天然气被视为石油生产的麻烦副产品,往往与石油一起被发现,但输送到任何市场都昂贵而困难。
Gas well productivity is important is an important method for determination of ripen flow potential and working system, prediction of prediction performance and study of related gas reservoir engineering. 摘要气井产能评价是确定无阻流量和工作制度、预测生产动态及其它气藏工程研究的重要手段。
Gas-filled shock absorber injected with pure N2, which not only keeps stability of damping force, but also reduce aerification and foaming, meanwhile, extend the effective life. 气压式内充入纯氮气,不仅可保持阻尼的稳定性,还可减少油液汽化及泡沫化,延长产品有效寿命。
Gas-liquid chromatography and skin fibroblast culture were used to measure the saturated, very long chain fatty acids in the plasma and cultured skin fibroblasts from five patients with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). 摘要5位诊断为肾上腺白质退化症患者均切取一小片皮肤以皮肤纤维芽细胞培养技术增养出皮广织维芽细胞后,再将细胞打破利用气液色层分析法定量这5位患者皮肤纤维芽细胞内及其血浆中饱和长键脂肪酸之量。
Gas-oil valves are used widely in gas transmission pipelines with stable operating, easily to control and power-free. 摘要气液联动球阀广泛应用于长输天然气管道,具有传动稳定、容易控制、不需要电源等优点。

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