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The annual rate of urban starts fell 2.9 per cent as a 7-per-cent drop in urban multiple units outweighed a 0.8-per-cent gain in single starts, CMHC said.

The annual projection was compiled by the U.K. Met Office's Hadley Center, in conjunction* with the University of East Anglia. 英国气象局哈德利中心每年都会联合东英格兰大学进行此项气象预测。
The annual projection was compiled by the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre, in conjunction with the University of East Anglia. 英国气象局哈德利中心每年都会联合东英格兰大学进行此项气象预测。
The annual rate of house-price inflation has eased since the last quarter of 2005 in ten of the 20 countries. 2005年四季度以来,20个国家中有10个国家房价年增长速度已有所放缓。
The annual rate of laparoscopic weight loss surgeries grew 44-fold from 1998 to 2002, compared with a threefold increase for traditional open bariatric procedures. 腹腔镜减重手术的年增率自1998至2002年成长了44倍,而传统开刀减重手术却只有3倍。
The annual rate of profit growth was 21.2%, some six percentage points higher than people had expected. 利润的年增长率为21.2%,大约比人们的预期值高出6个百分点。
The annual rate of urban starts fell 2.9 per cent as a 7-per-cent drop in urban multiple units outweighed a 0.8-per-cent gain in single starts, CMHC said. 城市多单位房屋的开工率下跌7%,超过独立屋0.8%的增长,年度的城市房屋开工率下跌2.9%.CMHC说.
The annual report by Freedom House says North Korea is at the bottom of a list of 195 countries because media is barely able to operate there and because the press acts only as a mouthpiece for the government. 自由之家发布的年度报告说,朝鲜名列195个国家排名的最后,因为媒体在那里几乎无法运作,只能做政府的喉舌。
The annual report is jointly compiled by the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission. 该项调查从报纸、杂志、电视、广播和互联网上收集了10亿多份语言样本。
The annual revolution of the earth round the sun causes the revolution of the seasons. 地球每年绕太阳公转而形成四季循环。
The annual rings of plants growing in temperate climates can be seen in crosssection as two consecutive rings of light and dark-colored xylem tissue. 在有显著季节性气候的地区中,不少植物的次生木质部在正常情况下,每年形成一轮(色浅层和色深层)。
The annual summit of G8 countries - Germany (the current G8 presidency), the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, Italy, Canada and Russia - opened in Heiligendamm yesterday. 一年一度的八国集团峰会于昨天在德国海利根达姆开幕,与会的八个成员国包括德国(今年的轮值主席国)、美国、英国、法国、日本、意大利、加拿大和俄罗斯。

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