It was an easy, long and enjoyable meeting and I was more than delighted - the air is clear again and there is no problem.
“这是一次轻松而愉快的长谈,现在事情都变的明朗起来,我们之间并不存在任何问题。” |
It was an incredible triumph”, explained Simeone, still yet to pick up his Coaching certificate but capable of getting Lavolpe sacked, “I'd like to soak up the sensation right now but I know that some time I'll be coaching in Europe and I'll convinced tha
这是一场难以置信的胜利,西蒙尼说,虽然仍然没有获得教练证书,但他的能力已经得到了充分的证明.我希望将此刻的感情珍藏起来,但是我知道,在未来,我会去欧洲执教.我确信我迟早会做在拉齐奥的教练席上,这名前拉齐奥偶像说. |
It was an unattended item, emitting a popping sound,a police spokesman said. Just as a precautionary measure, [the] police went and investigated. It [was] a whoopee cushion.
这是一件无人看管的物品,它会发出爆鸣声,警方的一位发言人说,为了防止出现意外,警方前往调查了,那是个一坐就发出放屁声的垫子。 |
It was confirmed that surgery was not necessary on the posterior cruciate ligament injury and so it is expected he will play again this season.
“后十字韧带扭伤什不需要手术是可以肯定的,所以我们期待他在这个赛季能够重返赛场。” |
It was good to get back to winning ways in the Premiership. Everybody played well. It was a good team performance and afterwards the gaffer was happy.
回到胜利的道路上真的很好。所有人都踢得很好。这是一支很好的表现,大家都很高兴。 |
It was great to be out there and good to score, although I suppose it was not what people would call a typical Michael Owen goal.
“出场比赛并且能进球的感觉简直太棒了,虽然不是人们想象的那种欧文式进球。” |
It was just a small thing for me, but it is important symbolically to show that every vote does count,Chiao said from the international space station a few hours after the polls opened 225 miles below.
投票活动开始几小时后,焦立中在位于225英里高空的国际宇宙空间站说:“这对我来说只是一件小事,但却具有重大的象征意义,因为这表明每一张选票都很重要。” |
It was like the ref had a brand new yellow card and wanted to see if it worked.
“好像裁判有崭新的黄牌,他总是想把它掏出来看是否管用。” |
It was me attempting to paint. I painted my wife's portrait and I gave her the paint as a diversionary tactic.
“最初是我尝试绘画。我为妻子画肖像画,然后把画送给玛勒,来转移她的注意力。” |
It was my decision to come out on loan.
“租借出来是我自己的决定。 |
It was nice to reach 50 caps,said the Liverpool star. But the important thing was to win the three points, which makes it six points in total.
很漂亮的迎来50场比赛,杰拉德说,但是最重要的是我们拿到了3分,这样我们一共就有6分了。 |