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Effficacy: elastic styling formula, creat elastic and active fashion style as you like, longtime keeping the different levels of 3D effect after marcel, let the multivariant style reached luster and straightness, make your hair root lightness and full of

Effects presuppose causes. 有其果必有其因.
Effects should seem natural and should fall in spaces that complement the visuals. 使用的音效应该是自然和谐的,并且,它应该对你的阅读效率起到正面推动的作用。
Effects were larger for those with angiographically demonstrated coronary artery disease. 本研究就是评估短期暴露在微粒子污染诱发急性缺血性心脏病事件的作用。
Effects) it can spice your love-making, and exciting, it is the best choice for bed life. Made of high quality cattle hide, soft and solid, delicate. 高质量的牛皮精制,质地结实柔软,做工精细用于性爱活动中,增加刺激,激发快感。本品是成人枕边游戏的最佳选择。
Effects, such as shadow, glow, soft edges, and bevel, can also be accessed from the Format tab. 效果选项包括:阴影、发光、羽化、倾斜,也可以直接使用格式选项卡。
Effficacy: elastic styling formula, creat elastic and active fashion style as you like, longtime keeping the different levels of 3D effect after marcel, let the multivariant style reached luster and straightness, make your hair root lightness and full of 功效:弹性塑型配方,随意变出弹性和动感的时尚发型,持久保持烫发后不同层次的3D动感效果,让百变造型达到光泽和线条感,使发根轻盈富有弹性,更易塑造富层次及卷曲度的发型、卷曲魅力,随我演绎。
Efficacies: Contains kinds of nourishment essence, molecular structure of the gene is close to skin. Delay the skin becoming aging, keeps skin cells' compactness, prevent light wrinkle. 功效说明:蕴含多种营养精华,其分子结构接近皮肤细胞值、有效缓解皮肤老化、长期使用可增强肌肤紧实度、控制幼纹过早形成。
Efficacy: 1. Many kinds of Chinese medicine are good for every enginery of eyes. 通过透皮给药,使眼部血液循环加速,达到视神经末梢,眼睛亮泽、有神。
Efficacy: It is used as addictives in food,beverage andnutritious health products. 产品功效:不仅可作保肝、护肝的良药,也可作为食品、饮料及营养保健品的添加剂。
Efficacy: The unique 3D lifting compound coagulate velum transmit technology which densely and fully infiltrates the bottom of skin bears 12 times effective component to restore the skin to be tight, bright and elastic. 功效:独有的3D提拉复合物凝膜导入科技,承载12倍有效成分,密集而充分渗透眼部肌肤底层,瞬间使肌肤各层结构紧致、光亮、有弹性。
Efficacy: The unique Roman sweet chrysanthemum botanic cells repair hormone injects sustaining energy for the mature cells, restores the damaged cells and stimulates the generation of collagen albumen to prevent skin aging process. 功效:独有的罗马甘菊植物细胞修护激素,为成熟细胞注入源源不断的活力,还原修护受损细胞,刺激胶原蛋白增生,阻止老化。

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