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If he continues to hone his low-post moves and develops some nastiness around the glass, he could wind up as another Elton Brand.

If he comes here again and tries to make trouble, he'll get an earful from me. 他如果再来这里捣乱,我就会把他臭骂一顿。
If he comes, he will help us. 如果他来的话,他会帮助我们的。
If he consecrates his field after the jubilee, however, then the priest shall calculate the price for him proportionate to the years that are left until the year of jubilee; and it shall be deducted from your valuation. 利27:18倘若他在禧年以后将地分别为圣、祭司就要按著未到禧年所剩的年数、推算价值.也要从你所估的减去价值。
If he consecrates his field as of the year of jubilee, according to your valuation it shall stand. 利27:17他若从禧年将地分别为圣、就要以你所估定的价为定。
If he consecrates his field from the year of jubilee, according to your valuation it shall stand. 17他若从禧年将田地奉献,就要以你所估定的价为定。
If he continues to hone his low-post moves and develops some nastiness around the glass, he could wind up as another Elton Brand. 这可不是什么低端目标,而且仅仅追求这样的目标还是不够的,哪怕加内特依然在森林狼掌控一切。
If he could create his own shot, put the ball on the floor, and finish strong, he'd be a force. 如果他能自己创造投篮机会,把球投进,并且很好地完成这些,他将是造成强大的威胁!
If he could he would implant a microchip in each newborn child and initiate a mind control programme designed to brainwash the entire planet or at least those not fully in tune with their New World Order. 如果他能,他将植入一个微芯片在每一个新生儿身上,并开始一个精神控制项目用来给整个地球上的人洗脑,或至少那些没有完全与他们的新世界秩序和谐的。
If he could pass off the death as occurring from natural causes, the true cause might not attract attention. 如果他能使病人的死亡显得是正常死亡、人们也许不会注意到真正的死因。
If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected, success would be his. 如果他能进入这家餐厅在一张餐桌边坐下而不受到怀疑,那么他就可以成功了。
If he curses God, Satan says, see, I told you - he's a hypocrite. 如果他责备神,撒但就会说,你看吧,我早就告诉你,他是伪装的好人。

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