Prince Vassily knew this, and having once for all reflected that if he were to beg for all who begged him to do so, he would soon be unable to beg for himself, he rarely made use of his influence.
瓦西里公爵对于这一点知之甚稔,他心里想到,如果人人求他,他替人人求情,那末,在不久以后他势必无法替自己求情了,因此,他极少运用自己的势力。 |
Prince Vassily made no reply, but with the rapidity of reflection and memory characteristic of worldly people, he signified by a motion of the head that he had taken in and was considering what she said.
尽管瓦西里公爵具备上流社会人士固有的神速的颖悟力和记忆力,但对她的见识他只是摇摇脑袋表示要加以斟酌,并没有作答。 |
Prince William and Kate Middleton have been seeing each other again – and shared a passionate kiss at a decadent Army party before disappearing to the Prince's private quarters.
威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿又见面了,而且在一个颓废的军队的派对中(何止颓废,哈哈~简直是无语啊)来了个激情之吻,随后他们都消失在众人的视野中,去了威廉的私人住处。 |
Prince William and Prince Harry's private secretary wrote to the channel saying they felt it would be a gross disrespectto their mother's memory.
威廉和哈里王子的私人秘书写信给第四台,声称播放戴妃死前的照片是对她的极大不尊重。 |
Prince William and Tom Parker Bowles will be witnesses at their parents' wedding, British royal officials said.
英国皇室官员表示,威廉王子和汤姆·帕克·鲍威斯(卡米拉的长子)将成为他们父母的证婚人。 |
Prince William launched his army career on Sunday when he entered the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst.
上周日,威廉王子正式加入号称英国西点的桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院,从此开始了他的军事生涯。 |
Prince William spent three weeks at HSBC, the world's third largest bank, gaining an overview of operations with a particular focus on charity management.
威廉王子在世界第三大银行汇丰银行工作了三周,对银行运作有了大致了解,并将慈善管理作为工作重点。 |
Prince William supported the oft-criticized behavior of his brother, Prince Harry, and stuck up for his father, Prince Charles, in a rare interview with the British media published Saturday.
英国威廉王子11月20日在接受一家英国媒体访问时,极力维护自己的家人——进来倍受批评的弟弟哈里王子以及父亲查尔斯王子,称王室一家人关系紧密,生活幸福。 |
Prince William's girlfriend Kate Middleton has been given an unprecedented invite to spend Christmas Day with the British royal family, The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported.
据英国《星期日邮报》报道,威廉王子的女友凯特·米德尔顿日前收到英国王室共度圣诞节的特别邀请。 |
Prince William's girlfriend displayed a positively royal touch when picking out an outfit to go to a recent wedding.
在不久前的一场婚礼上,凯特精心挑选的外套展现了她的准王妃尊容。 |
Prince William, 23, and 21-year-old Prince Harry - the children of Charles and late Diana, -followed behind with several other smartly dressed relatives including the queen's husband, the Duke of Edinburgh.
走在他们身后的是查尔斯和已故王妃戴安娜所生的两个孩子,23岁的威廉王子和21岁的哈里王子,以及其他几位衣冠考究的王室成员,女王的丈夫--爱丁堡公爵也在其中。 |