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Nevertheless, pancreatic retransplantation should be considered in selected patients.

Nevertheless, most economists reckon that the BoJ should not even think about raising interest rates again until inflation picks up and consumer spending revives. 不过,多数经济学家猜想,在通货膨胀速度过快和消费开支复苏之前,日本银行应该不会考虑再次加息。
Nevertheless, most people with epilepsy are forbidden from driving automobiles or flying aircraft due to fear that a seizure–no matter how rare–can cause an accident, and the liability lawyers will be set loose. 即使如此,由于偶尔的发病也可能导致事故,所以大多数癫痫患者被禁止驾车或者驾驶飞机。
Nevertheless, no sovereign State can tolerate secession. 但任何主权国家都不会容忍分裂国家的行为。
Nevertheless, no such act or omission shall subject the actual carrier to liability exceeding the legal limits. 但是,实际承运人承担的责任不因此种作为或者不作为而超过法定的赔偿责任限额。
Nevertheless, numerous stores employ loyalty cards. 尽管如此,很多商店都使用忠实卡。
Nevertheless, pancreatic retransplantation should be considered in selected patients. 因此,需要挑选合适的患者行胰腺再次移植。
Nevertheless, pelvic CT still showed an abscess within right psoas muscle and iliac fossa. 但是骨盆腔计算机断层仍旧显示在右腰肌处有脓疡存在,于是病人进行计算机断层导引的引流术。
Nevertheless, physicists face a deep conceptual problem. 尽管如此,物理学家却得面对一个深刻的观念问题。
Nevertheless, published financial statements are based on the information used by management about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of the enterprise. 但是,公布的财务报表都是以管理当局所使用的关于企业财务状况、经营业绩和财务状况变动方面的资料为依据的。
Nevertheless, pure instinct prompts many of these dogs to gently herd their owners, especially the children of the family. 虽然大多数牧羊犬作为家庭宠物,从未在牧场中驱赶过羊群,但是,出于本能,很多牧羊犬喜欢“放牧”自己的主人,尤其是家庭中的孩子。
Nevertheless, reform Judaism does not follow these restrictions. 不过,犹太教的改革派却不受这些清规戒律的约束。

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