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September 10th - Local TV Junket interviews in Melbourne September 11th/12th - Local TV Junket interviews in Sydney L = live and PR = pre-recording.

Sept. 1990 – June 1991 His works were chosen by China's Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition and exhibited in Tokyo, Fukuoka, and other cities in Japan. 1990年9月-1991年6月作品参加中华人民共和国《中国当代艺术展》,赴日本东京、福冈、静冈等城市巡回展出。
Sept. 1991- Nov. 1991 Asst. Front Office Manager at Holiday Inn Shanghai (soft &grand opening) with direct in charge of Concierge, Reception, and Assistant Manager. 上海银星皇冠假日酒店前厅部副经理,责任范围包括前台,礼宾,大堂经理。
September - Begins fifth year at Hogwarts. 9月,开始在霍格沃茨的第五学年。
September 1-5, the entire city of Chong sprinkler will focus on the road, to clean the road, people Flyover, underground walkways, transit site, the massive clean asking for the road, bridge, the walls see true colors. 9月1日—5日,全市所有的冲洒水车将集中上路,清洗道路、人行天桥、地下通道、公交站点,这次大规模的清洗要求达到路面、桥面、墙面见本色。
September 10 is Teachers' Day in China.Happy Teachers' Day! 9月10日是中国的教师节.教师节快乐!
September 10th - Local TV Junket interviews in Melbourne September 11th/12th - Local TV Junket interviews in Sydney L = live and PR = pre-recording. 电影将于9月9日在澳大利亚墨尔本,9月11日在悉尼举行首映式!
September 11, 2006, the Chinese University Community Forum (CUPF) TONET signed the 2001 agreement, Thus, Chinese University Community Forum began trial operation. 2006年9月11日,中国大学生公益论坛(CUPF)与TONET签定了一年协议,至此,中国大学生公益论坛开始试运行。
September 15, 2006—A fresh lamb dinner might sound like a manageable meal for an 18-foot-long (5.5-meter-long) python. But maybe the hungry snake should have waited for the lamb to be born. 对于一条5.5米长的蟒蛇来说,将一只新鲜羔羊做为晚餐并不夸张。不过,它是不是应该等那只小羊生下来呢?
September 15th is Maryland University Day in Peking University, President of Maryland University Clayton Daniel Mote JR made a speech at Ying Jie Communication Center that afternoon. 9月15日是北京大学的马里兰大学日。当天下午三点,马里兰大学的校长莫特教授在英杰交流中心阳光大厅发表了演讲。
September 18, 2005. The energy conservation light source development center broke ground to construct. 2005年9月18日,节能电光源研制中心破土兴建。
September 1988 to July 1990, Teaching Assistant at South China Normal University. Responsible for correcting seniors' English compositions and term papers. 1988年9月至1990年7月,在华南师范大学担任助教,负责修改本科四年级学生的英语作文和学期论文。

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