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Growth Characteristics and Fermentation Condition Optimization of Mangrove Actinomycete Strain 0616167

Influence of typical poultry feather structure and surface lipoid on wettability 禽羽结构及羽表脂质对其润湿性能的影响
The relationship between resistant gene and resistance in MRSA 甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌的耐药基因与耐药性关系
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Growth Characteristics and Fermentation Condition Optimization of Mangrove Actinomycete Strain 0616167 红树林放线菌0616167的生长特性及发酵条件优化
Progress in Molecular Biology of Transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine 猪传染性胃肠炎病毒分子生物学研究进展
Productive ecology and behavior of Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) 中国大鲵的繁殖生态暨行为学观察研究
Study on Construction and Application of Comprehensive Utilization Mode and Ecological Rehabilitation of Empoldered Red Soil Mountains in Northern Fujian 闽北山区红壤丘陵开发地生态恢复与综合利用模式构建及其应用研究
Functional analyses of TcrA-a TPR-containing regulatory protein in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) 天蓝色链霉菌调控基因-tcrA功能的初步研究
Functional Progresses in X Gene of Hepatitis B Virus and Protein HBx 乙型肝炎病毒X基因及HBx蛋白的研究进展

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