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Yet the misjudgment and misadventure in Iraq will forever soil a record that could have been so much better.

Yet the increase in our numbers has come at the expense of many other species. 不过,人类数目的增加让许多物种付出了代价。
Yet the isolated communist state is now brandishing what appears to be its ace, saying it will test a nuclear weapon and spreading disquiet in Asia and beyond. 然而,这个孤立的共产党国家正挥舞着她的王牌,扬言将要试发一枚核武器,这在亚洲及其周边引起了不安。
Yet the king and all his servants who heard all these words were not afraid, nor did they rend their garments. 耶36:24王和听见这一切话的臣仆、都不惧怕、也不撕裂衣服。
Yet the latest lot, to our regret, is too serious to be overlooked so that we find we must file a claim on you. 但令我方遗憾的是最近一批货情况非常糟糕,我们实在不能等闲视之,必须向你方提出索赔。
Yet the market barely moved. 但是市场对此几乎没有反应。
Yet the misjudgment and misadventure in Iraq will forever soil a record that could have been so much better. 但在伊拉克问题上的错误判断和不幸遭遇,将永远玷污他本应更好的政绩。
Yet the model is showing its limits. 但是这一模式正表现出其局限性。
Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions. 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。
Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. 15但耶稣的名声越发传扬出去。有极多的人聚集来听道,也指望医治他们的病。
Yet the number of coal-fired plants is growing. 但是,燃煤发电站的数量正在上升。
Yet the number of reported casualties from land-mine explorations was 11% higher than in 2004. 然而因地雷爆炸造成的伤亡数字比2004年高11%.

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