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Article 3 The CIRC and its local offices shall implement administrative licensing in accordance with limits of authority, scope, conditions and procedures as prescribed by law, pursuing the principles of “open, fair, justified and convenient for people”,

Article 3 Only after the registration is approved by a company registration organ and the acquirement of a Business License of Legal Entity, a company can acquire the capacity as a legal entity. 第三条公司经公司登记机关依法核准登记,领取《企业法人营业执照》,方取得企业法人资格。
Article 3 RMB bonds herein means the securities that are issued in Hong Kong by financial institutions within the territory of China, valued by RMB, have a term of one year or more, and for which the principal and interests are repaid according to stipula 第三条本暂行办法所称人民币债券是指境内金融机构依法在香港特别行政区内发行的、以人民币计价的、期限在1年以上按约定还本付息的有价证券。
Article 3 Registered trademarks mean trademarks that have been approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including trademarks, service marks, collective marks and certification marks; the trademark registrants shall enjoy the exclusive right to use 第三条经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,包括商品商标、服务商标和集体商标、证明商标;商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。
Article 3 Syndicated loan means a loan or facility either in the local or foreign currency that is extended to the borrower through an agent at the prescribed time and proportion by two or more Banks on the same terms and pursuant to the same loan agreeme 第三条银团贷款是指由两家或两家以上银行基于相同贷款条件,依据同一贷款协议,按约定时间和比例,通过代理行向借款人提供的本外币贷款或授信业务。
Article 3 The competent authorityas referred to in this Act: It is the Ministry of Interior in Central Government, the City Government in Special Municipality and the County (City) in County (City) Government. 第3条(主管机关)本条例所称主管机关:在中央为内政部;在直辖市为直辖市政府;在县(市)为县市政府。
Article 3 The CIRC and its local offices shall implement administrative licensing in accordance with limits of authority, scope, conditions and procedures as prescribed by law, pursuing the principles of “open, fair, justified and convenient for people”, 第三条中国保监会及其派出机构实施行政许可,应当依照法定的权限、范围、条件和程序,遵循公开、公平、公正和便民的原则,提高办事效率,提供优质服务。
Article 3 The Competent Authority in this Act is the Atomic Energy Council (AEC) of the Executive Yuan. 第3条本法之主管机关,为行政院原子能委员会。
Article 3 The Ministry of Communications of the PRC is the institution in charge of the nation-wide highway undertaking. 第三条中华人民共和国交通部主管全国公路事业。
Article 3 The National Emblem of the People's Republic of China is the symbol and hallmark of the People's Republic of China. 第三条中华人民共和国国徽是中华人民共和国的象征和标志。
Article 3 The National Flag of the People's Republic of China is the symbol and hallmark of the People's Republic of China. 第三条中华人民共和国国旗是中华人民共和国的象征和标志。
Article 3 The People's Republic of China cooperates with foreign states in extradition on the basis of equality and reciprocity. 第三条中华人民共和国和外国在平等互惠的基础上进行引渡合作。

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