A versatil e computer animated simulation model for bulk terminal developed by supporting o f Ministry of Communications is introduced briefly, as an application case of th e model, a simulation model for some port coal terminal built to investigate the r |
中文意思: 答:装有电控多点汽油喷射系统的发动机上的汽油喷油器按喷嘴口的形式可分为针阀型和孔型.针阀型喷油器最早出现于1967年,雾化效果好,是目前应用最广泛的一种喷油器. |
A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
言语里的伤害和身体上的伤害都同样糟糕。 |
A verdict of “ not guilt” means acquittal for the accused, who can never again be charged with that specific crime.
“无罪”裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。 |
A verifiable Safe Keeping Receipt issued and endorsed by the Seller's Bank.
一份由卖方银行发出与认可,能查证的保管收据。 |
A verifiable account of the incident; verifiable sales data.
事故的可证实的叙述;可核实的销售数据 |
A veritable mountain of scrupulously sorted battery cells. The next thing is to set about recovering the mercury.
这是一座精心分类后的废旧电池山。下面要着手提炼水银。 |
A versatil e computer animated simulation model for bulk terminal developed by supporting o f Ministry of Communications is introduced briefly, as an application case of th e model, a simulation model for some port coal terminal built to investigate the r
答:装有电控多点汽油喷射系统的发动机上的汽油喷油器按喷嘴口的形式可分为针阀型和孔型.针阀型喷油器最早出现于1967年,雾化效果好,是目前应用最广泛的一种喷油器. |
A versatile aircraft capable of functioning as a fighter and a bomber chiefly in tactical and defensive operations.
战斗轰炸机一种主要用于战斗和防卫的多功能通用飞机,可行使战斗机和轰炸机的功能 |
A versatile instrumentalist who is adept at playing the organ, the big drum and the violin etc, he hopes Buddhist music can strike a chord in each and everyone's hearts.
多才多艺的他也善于演奏电子琴,大鼓,小提琴等乐器,并坚信佛教音乐能引起共鸣,触动人心。 |
A versatile, he reads widely and has a broad range of interests.
他是一个多面手,博览群书,兴趣广泛。 |
A version of Gyokuhou with shorter hair. The facial proportions look creepy, especially since this was the first time coloring in lips other than for a character wearing makeup.
剪了头发的旭凰。她的脸看起来很怪﹐特别因为这是第一次为一个不化妆的人上嘴脣的颜色。 |
A version of the device, expected to be commercially marketed soon, has restored balance to those whose vestibular systems in the inner ear were destroyed by antibiotics.
有望不久能作为商品上市的这套视觉设备有储存平衡的功能,为那些内耳前庭系统遭抗生素损伤的人们带来了福音。 |