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Model Study on Atmospherical Pollute Dispersion in Terrain of Long and Narrow Valley

Mo-Co-S Catalyst Supported by Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Hydrodenitrogenation of Acetonitrile or Pyrrole 碳纳米管负载Mo-Co-S加氢脱氮催化剂研究
Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele. Mobil,ConnectAustria和Tele.
Model CSJ super fishing jar adopts mechanical and hydraulic combined design and carries out upward jarring by the reciprocting motion of the conical piston in the hydraulic cylinder. CSJ型超级震击器采用机械和液压组合设计,通过锥体活塞在液压腔内的往复运动实现向上震击的功能。
Model DLJC- Microprocessor-based Automatic Testing System for Aircraft Cables DLJC-型飞机电缆微处理机自动检测系统
Model GPES Electronic Sextant GPES型电子六分仪
Model Study on Atmospherical Pollute Dispersion in Terrain of Long and Narrow Valley 狭长山谷地形大气污染扩散模式研究
Model of Threat Evaluation of Air Targets Based on Hamming Neural Networks 基于Hamming网络的空袭目标评估模型
Model of aspherisation for higher-dioptry spectacle lens 高屈光度眼用透镜的非球面化模式
Modeling and Optimization of Chinese Materia Medica Pilule Manu-facturing Process Based on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm 基于神经网络和遗传算法的中药滴丸制剂过程建模与优化
Modeling: Female Wistar rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 00 g/L Urethane, and then injected with 0. mL of mixed bacteria toward oviduct-ovary respectively from uterine cornua near oviduct and avoid scathing other tissues. 建模:用00g/L乌拉坦腹腔注射麻醉Wistar雌性大鼠,分别在子宫角近输卵管处进针,向输卵管-卵巢方向注射细菌悬液各0.mL。
Modern Medium Competition Summons High Quality Reporters 现代媒体竞争呼唤高素质记者

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