Hemming, Covering, Piping, Three basic Functions in one, Flexing, Cost Saving machine.
折下摆、埋压拷克骨、包边三种基本功能合一的多功能、切换容易之省钱机种。 |
Hemochromatosis can be primary (the cause is probably an autosomal recessive genetic disease) or secondary (excess iron intake or absorption, liver disease, or numerous transfusions).
血色素沉着症或可以是原发的(病因大概为常染色体隐性遗传病),也可以是继发的(过多的铁摄取或吸收、肝脏疾病、大量输血)。 |
Hemochromatosis leads to bronze pigmentation of skin, diabetes mellitus (from pancreatic involvement), and cardiac arrhythmias (from myocardial involvement).
血色素沉着症导致皮肤的青铜色色素沉着、糖尿病(累及胰腺)、心率失常(累及心肌)。 |
Hemoglobin is the carrying protein of oxygen.
血红蛋白是氧的运载蛋白质。 |
Hemophilia is an inherited disorder that prevents blood from clotting properly. The blood products were produced in the United States, often using paid donors.
血友病是一种遗传疾病,血液无法正常凝固。当时使用的血液产品来自美国,经常来自有偿献血者。 |
Hemoptysis is described in many disease processes.
摘要很多疾病的病征会表现出咳血。 |
Hemoptysis is often an alarming presenting symptom.
摘要咳血常是一种令人惊恐的症状。 |
Hemoptysis stopped spontaneously after conservative treatments and anti-tuberculous therapy.
在结多抗结核菌的药物治疗后,病患咳血自动缓解。 |
Hemorrhage from the maxillary artery can be a serious problem in maxillo-facial injuries.
摘要内颔动脉出血是颅顔外伤病患严重的问题。 |
Hemorrhage into neoplasm occurs in choreocarcinoma, melanoma, renal cell, bronchogenic carcinoma, pituitary adenoma, glioblastoma multiforme and medulloblastoma. These tumors may present as hemorrhage.
当脑膜瘤,肺癌,垂体腺瘤,恶性胶质瘤,髓母细胞瘤等肿瘤发生出血时,从影像上可能会将肿瘤误认为出血。 |
Hemorrhage of intracranial arachonoid cyst is also uncommon.
颅内蜘蛛网膜囊肿出血伴随硬脑膜下腔血肿也并不常见。 |