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Acknowledgement is necessary when you receive a car or a gift.

Acknowledge that the space you occupy in this world is in exact ratio to the quantity and quality of the service you render for the benefice of others,plus the mental attitude in which you render it. 我们在这个世界上到底能占有多少空间,是和我们为他人利益所提供之服务的质与量,以及提供服务时所产生出的心态,成正比例的关系。
Acknowledge the letter. Thank the client for his praise. 告知客户收到来信,感谢称赞.
Acknowledge them. (主动)向他们打招呼。
Acknowledge your successes along with your downfalls. 坦然对待成功和失败。
Acknowledge your worries, do what you can to have a back-up plan and then move boldly forward. 正视你的担忧,好好做好后备工作,然后勇敢地迈开你的步子吧。
Acknowledgement is necessary when you receive a car or a gift. 当别人寄贺卡或小礼物给你的时候,要及时回复感谢信。
Acknowledging each of their handmade gifts with a big hug for each child, I am aware that the deeper treasures my children offer me are priceless! 孩子们将亲手制成的礼物送给我。拥着他们入怀,我这才领悟到:从他们那里,我得到的竟是无价之宝。
Acknowledging that Democrats are unlikely to drop their demands for a troop withdrawal, President Bush says they should send him their legislation quickly so he can veto it and get Congress back to work on a spending bill without such a deadline. 布什总统承认民主党人是不会放弃他们要求撒军的计划,他还说民党人可以尽快把法案递交给他以便否决并让国会重新制定一个没有这种期限的支出法案。
Acknowledgment, recognition, or jurisdiction; the assumption of jurisdiction in a case. 裁判权,司法权承认、认可或司法;案件的司法设想
AclObjectIdentityAware: Indicates a domain object instance is able to provide AclObjectIdentity information. 表示一个单独的域对象实例的标识。
Acme president McKinley is so nervous not even his beautiful secretary Harriet can calm him. 印刷长厂长麦金利得悉总裁要来后非常紧张,连他漂亮的女秘书哈里特都无法使他保持镇定。

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