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A: I guess that's why the idea of the information super highway is so popular nowadays.

A: I graduated from Hebei University. 我毕业于河北大学。
A: I graduated from Tianjin College of Commerce. 我是天津商学院毕业的。
A: I gue the best way to reduce traffic and pollution is to add more public tra ort facilities. 我想减少交通堵塞和污染的最好办法是增加公共交通设施。
A: I guess I need to buy some more flip-flops again. 我想我该去再买几双凉拖。
A: I guess she had a big moan about your boss again. 我猜想她又大大抱怨你们老板了。
A: I guess that's why the idea of the information super highway is so popular nowadays. 我想这就是为什么信息高速公路的理念如此流行的原因吧!
A: I guess the best way to reduce traffic and pollution is to add more public transport facilities. 我想减少交通堵塞和污染的最好办法是增加公共交通设施。
A: I guess you'll get a lot of brownie points for working overtime on that ad design this week. 我想你这个星期加班设计那版广告应该会得到不少马屁分数。
A: I had a big fight with my boyfriend last night. 我昨晚和男朋友大吵了一架。
A: I had a girlfriend in America. (我以前有一个女朋友在美国。)
A: I had been told about the curative effects of tea.But I didn't belive before. 以前有人跟我说过茶有医疗作用,但是我以前不相信。

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