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The work he does are inappreciable he said.

The work could be an important step in understanding so-called dark matter — mysterious material that makes up about a quarter of our Universe. 此项工作将成为了解被称为“暗物质”——构成宇宙四分之一的神秘物质——重要一步。
The work focuses on the idealistic reformer, Carol Kennecott's sad life in main street, a street of a typical American country town in the central prairie. 《大街》着重于刻画卡洛尔.肯尼科,一名理想主义改革者在大街----中部平原一个普通而具代表性的农村小镇的一条街道上的悲伤生活。
The work for the poor is our love for God in action. 为穷人而做的工作是我们对上帝的爱的实际行动。
The work force has reluctantly agreed to accept a cut in pay. 劳工不情愿地同意接受减薪。
The work had gone throught. 工人们经受风吹雨打.
The work he does are inappreciable he said. 他说他所做的事情微不足道。
The work in T3G is characterized as highly innovative and challenging in terms of time to market and industrial maturity. 勇于创新和富有挑战的进行快速产品上市和成熟产业化工作是天碁科技的特色。
The work is a homage to Emin's Turkish Cypriot father who, according to the artist, is a fantastic gardner but a terrible carpenter. 这是翠西对她土耳其父亲的一种敬意,据她说,她父亲是个喜欢幻想的园丁,一个很差劲的木匠。
The work is always internal. 工作永远是内在的。
The work is beyond my capability. 那件工作超出我的能力。
The work is easy for me to do. 这项工作对我来说很容易做。

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