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Firstly we have to be absolutely clear that Eurocollege does not make any guarantee that any student will find part time work.

Firstly the formulation arid representation of solutions of the above boundary value problems are given, and then the existence of solutions for the above problems is proved, in which the complex analytic method is applied, namely the complex functions in 先给出这个问题的提法和解的表示式,然后使用一种新的复分析方法,即在椭圆区域上使用复变函数,在双曲区域上使用双曲复函数,最后证明了上述混合型方程间断斜微商问题解的存在性。
Firstly the fringe is subdivided properly, then we get the estimated phase in subdivided regions based on the wavelet method and minimum mean errors estimates method. 首先对干涉图象进行适当的分块,然后通过线性相位模型对每个子块的相位进行拟合;拟合系数通过干涉图象分块的小波变换与最小均方误差估计方法获得。
Firstly they are not type safe. 第一,它不是类型安全的。
Firstly this paper defines concepts of self-borrowing, self-check, automatic borrowing system and self-library. 摘要本文首先界定了自助借阅、自助借还机、自动借还系统和无人图书馆的概念。
Firstly we have so many people who see posts without reply. 潜水的人实在太多,希望各位留下您的意见或者建议。
Firstly we have to be absolutely clear that Eurocollege does not make any guarantee that any student will find part time work. 首先,我们要特别清楚的是,欧洲学院不能保证为每一位学生都找到兼职工作。
Firstly we should boil the well-chosen single-chamber cocoon with high temperature. 首先我们应该在高温蒸煮中精心挑最佳品质的茧。
Firstly, 3D visible graphic simulation system of large-scale water transportation project construction is analysed and the exploit method is decided; secondly, data is gathered and simulate calculation is taken, then the data is stored in database and the 首先,对引水工程三维可视化图形仿真系统进行系统分析,确定系统的开发模式,然后采集数据并进行仿真计算,再将所得数据以数据库的形式保存并对数据库进行加工处理,将空间数据(矢量数据、形体数据等)和各种属性信息集成在一起,在这些数据库的基础上建立引水工程三维可视化仿真模型及模型库,以方便对模型进行高效的管理。
Firstly, I have to commend the great book for providing the information and stories that gave me an enjoyable time reading them. 首先,我不得不推荐一下这本在阅读的同时提供知识与故事并给予我愉快时光的好书。
Firstly, I think you cannot make a secret of something that is not yours — otherwise, it would be very easy (if you know how to do the charm) to hide things that do not belong to you, and obviously, it is very problematic for those whose property you hide 第一,我认为你不能使不属于你的某件东西成为秘密——否则,隐藏不属于你的事物会是非常容易的(如果你知道如何施魔咒),而且显然,这对你隐藏的财产的所有者是非常棘手的。
Firstly, I was not able to fix the Asia financial crisis. 其一,我没法扭转亚洲金融危机。

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