But like Goebbels, British army brass disliked the song.
这首德国歌曲也吸引了在沙漠中与隆梅尔作战的英国军人。 |
But like all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible implications.
但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在前门,她便预感到凶多吉少。 |
But like all the big cities in the world, people are just too busy and occupied to bother about anything or anyone besides themselves.
但像世界各地一样,大城市里的人整天忙忙碌碌,事情太多,实在无暇顾及其他。 |
But like all the most successful illicit traders, China is ideologically profligate in its relations.
就像那些成功的违法交易以一样,中国正在享受这种关系带来的好处。 |
But like gold, platinum also fell back quickly, dropping to $994 in late European trade.
但与黄金相似,铂金价格也快速回落,欧洲交易尾盘跌至994美元。 |
But like human detectives, these software sleuths follow logical rules and combine disparate pieces of data—and there is something curiously fascinating about the way they work.
不过,这些软件侦探同人类侦探一样,依照一系列逻辑规则,整合各条不同的信息–软件侦探“破案”的方式到颇为引人入胜。 |
But like it or not, stereotype threat has become central to the debate on standardized tests in college admissions and, some predict, could take on an equally crucial role in criminal justice and other civil-rights issues.
但不论如何,刻板印象威胁论已经成为大学入学标准化测验的辩论焦点;有人预测,这个理论也将在刑事司法与其他人权议题上,拥有同样重要的地位。 |
But like many rural schools, Dagucheng primary is meanwhile cutting costs by relying increasingly on unqualified teachers.
然而,于此同时,和许多农村学校一样,大古城小学同样是通过日益依赖于那些不称职的教师队伍来降低成本。 |
But like most a Jack's ideas it never come to pass.
不过杰克说归说,成真的点子不多。」 |
But like other Asian tigers before it, China is finding making the shift from textile mills to Silicon Valley isn't easy.
然而,正如中国之前的其他若干亚洲强国一样,中国也发现从简单的制造业到以“硅谷”为代表的信息产业转变并非易事。 |
But like other women her age, Nori insists she will keep her part-time job, at an ornithology institute east of Tokyo.
但是和其他这个年龄的女人一样,纪宫坚持要继续她在东京以东的鸟类学会的兼职工作。 |