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Sure enough, when they took the imperial examinations that year, both Tao and Zhang passed.

Sure enough, the radio shouted the news. 收音机里喊出了这条新闻,毫不含糊。
Sure enough, this light was bent by the mass of the sun, confirming Einstein's theory. 肯定是光因太阳的质量而出现弯曲,这证实了爱因斯坦的理论。
Sure enough, we found that in as little as two hours this process produced very high purity MgB2 in the form of a loosely sintered pellet (like sandstone). 不出所料,在短短的两个小时内,我们发现这个制程确实能制造出零散烧结状的高纯度硼化镁颗粒(看起来像砂岩)。
Sure enough, we're still out of sync. 可以肯定,我们之间现在是不同步的,数据是有差别的。
Sure enough, when a female prairie vole mates, there is a 50% increase in the level of dopamine in the reward centre of her brain. 当雌性草原田鼠交配时,在大脑奖赏系统中枢,多巴胺水平会有50%的上升,而这已完全足够让这些“女士”们产生上面提到的那种快感。
Sure enough, when they took the imperial examinations that year, both Tao and Zhang passed. 果然,他们这年参加科举考试,两人都考取了。
Sure enough, the next morning he saw a dozen demons coming with spears and halberds and swords to fetch him. 果然,第二天早上他看见许多带着枪、戟、剑的鬼怪来抓他。
Sure enough, the people of Israel, the Jews, are to be found everywhere today. 毫无疑问,以色列的百姓,犹太人今天在世界各地随处可见。
Sure he was—where would he be? 当然在啦。他还能在那儿?
Sure i probably won't stick my limb out for her, but i feel glad that she has done so well for herself after much adversity. 当然,我肯定不仅会对她竖起大拇指,而且我很为她感到高兴的是在?*历如此多的艰难后还能做的如此的棒!
Sure i probably won\'t stick my limb out for her, but i feel glad that she has done so well for herself after much adversity. 当然,或许我帮不上她什麽忙,但我很为她经历过许多逆境之后努力表现得这麽好而感到开心。

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