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Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.

Eating dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese daily cut the risk by a quarter, while twice-weekly meals of white meat or fish reduced it by around 15 per cent. 每天吃奶制品,如牛奶、酸奶或者奶酪等能减少四分之一的风险,而每两周一次白肉或者鱼肉则能减少15%的风险。
Eating dark chocolate -- but not milk chocolate -- raises levels of antioxidant in the blood, which could help protect against heart disease. 黑巧克力能够提高血液中抗氧化剂的含量,有助于预防心脏病,而白巧克力则不能。
Eating disorders are at one end of a continuum, argues researcher. At the other end is what she calls intuitive eating. 研究者力言,饮食失调是一个连续的端点,而直觉饮食是她口中所谓的另一个端点。
Eating eggs will raise your cholesterol. 吃蛋会升高胆固醇。
Eating eggs won't give you high cholesterol. 吃鸡蛋不会造成高胆固醇。
Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. 食入脂肪或蛋白质会使胆囊在20分钟后把自己挤空,储存的胆汁经总胆管被排放到肠道。
Eating fruit is regarded as the golden rule and precious percept after a meal, but physicians put forward the objection. 饭后一只果被奉为金科玉律,但医学家却提出了异议。
Eating fuels the body for training and speeds recovery by replacing depleted energy and nutrient stores. 吃可以在训练当中补充身体的气力及借由替换耗尽的能量和储存的营养来加速恢复。
Eating immediately after a workout will improve recovery. 运动后立即吃东西有助于恢复体力。
Eating in restaurants causes difficulty as the majority of restaurant food is salted. 在饭馆就餐会带来困难,因为大部分饭馆的食物是加盐的。
Eating junk food is bad for your health. 经常吃垃圾食品对健康有害.

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