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While away at summer school, my teen-age daughter, Erin, became friendly with two other girls.

While at times he has displayed a sense of humor, he has been grumpy for long stretches, especially when his back bothered him last season. 然而有时他表现幽默感,长期以来他一直是性情乖戾的,特别是当他的背上季困扰著他时。
While at university, I was the chairman of the sorority and was also awarded the Elite of the Year in 1999. 大学时期,担任校内女大青年联谊会的主席,且在1999年时得到系上精英奖。
While at university,I joined diffenent kinds of activities sponsored by Youth League Committee.My hard working won me titles as A Merit Studentmany times. 在大学读书期间,我积极的参加各项社团活动和各种社会实践,并且努力的学习,多次当选过院三好学生。
While attending the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania he became familiar with Mahatma Gandhi, who had struggled to free the people of India from British rule by “peaceful revolution”. 在宾夕法尼亚克隆泽神学院上学时,他知道了圣雄甘地,了解到甘地通过“非暴力革命”的斗争将印度人民从英国统治中解放出来。
While avoidance of taxes is the motivation for smuggling, smuggling cannot be explained by tax levels alone. 虽然避税是走私的动机之一,但是走私并不能单纯由税收水平来解释。
While away at summer school, my teen-age daughter, Erin, became friendly with two other girls. 我十来岁的女儿埃里因在暑期学校里和两个女孩儿交上了朋友。
While bank credits to government institutions of land reserves expanded more rapidly, bank credits to property developers moderated as reflected in the continuous decline on monthtomonth basis since the beginning of 2004. 从对房地产开发商的贷款看,虽然对政府土地储备机构贷款等地产开发贷款较快增长,但住房开发贷款2004年以来月增幅连续回落,造成房地产开发商贷款增幅减缓。
While being executive chef at the White House is prestigious, the job also can be grueling . 身为白宫“第一御厨”无疑会享有很高的声望和威信,但这份工作也很折磨人。
While being flown by a champion amateur cyclist in 1963, the plane crashed on an airfield. 在1963年,当一位业余自行车赛冠军驾驶这架飞机的时候,它坠毁在机场上。
While being very secluded and completely free of the bustling sound of the city, each group of villas has a wooded park where the residents can interact with each other, share and appreciate the essence of life, amidst the harmonization of neighborhood. 每个组团设有邻里沟通活动的森林庭园,展现了迷人的万种风情,点缀了整个社区的宁静与详和,从风情里感悟生活的灵动,体味邻里间亲情的融合。
While beta tests give us a chance to fine-tune our work, they also allow participants to try out and give feedback on a Blizzard title before it becomes available to the general public. 既然游戏测试给了我们一个机会去完善我们的工作,在游戏推广之前,将会允许参加者尝鲜并反馈相关信息。

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