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The residual deformation around the hole was measured by digital speckle correlation technique and the relation curves of residual strain at the side of hole vs fatigue life cycles were obtained.

The residents lived in hastily erected tenement buildings in between factories and slaughterhouses. 这些居民的住所就是在工厂和屠宰场之间仓促修建起来的廉价公寓楼。
The residents of Lamma Island live the banyan gulf in northern side of the island. 南丫岛上的居民大多住在北面的榕树湾一带。
The residents of the area are unhappy about the noise. 该地区的居民对这吵闹声很是不满。
The residents of the town are proud of its new library. 该镇的居民都为镇上新建的图书馆感到自豪。
The residual assets that result from paying off the liquidation expenses, wages of employees, social insurance premiums and legal compensation premiums, the outstanding taxes and the debts of the company with the assets of the company may, in the case of 公司财产在分别支付清算费用、职工的工资、社会保险费用和法定补偿金,缴纳所欠税款,清偿公司债务后的剩余财产,有限责任公司按照股东的出资比例分配,股份有限公司按照股东持有的股份比例分配。
The residual deformation around the hole was measured by digital speckle correlation technique and the relation curves of residual strain at the side of hole vs fatigue life cycles were obtained. 再应用数字散斑相关技术测量了不同疲劳循环次数后孔周的残余变形场,并给出了孔边最大残余应变与疲劳循环次数的关系曲线。
The residual effects of the cloud clusters are generally ignored even though the area they cover is perhaps an order of magnitude larger than the convective region itself. 云团的残余影响通常是忽略不计的,即使它们覆盖的地区比对流区本身可能大一个量级也如此。
The residual error amendment model is derived from fuzzy linear regression model, it can find the most suitable linear function to make the line difference sum in ideal linear regression minimum. 该模型是在模糊线性回归模型的基础上推导出来的,它可以寻找最合适的线性函数使理想线性回归中的线差和达到最小。
The residual solvents in bicalutamide substance were determined by GC. 摘要采用气相色谱法测定比卡鲁胺原料药中有机溶剂残留量。
The residue (SO2) of Bleaching Agent was not detected in those 150 samples. 另依据卫生署合告的方法,检验漂白剂(二氧化硫)残留量,结果150件检体均未检出。
The residue after an ore or other material has been washed. 洗后的渣矿物或其他物质洗后剩下的渣滓

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