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“My mother had morning sickness after I was born.

“My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character. “(遭到一名女子诽谤后)一开始我想告她损害个人形象…后来我发现自己跟本没有形象。”
“My left foot. It's something I've been doing in training, working on my passing and shooting, and I feel more comfortable with striking the ball with my left foot now. “我的左脚,这是我一直在训练的,练习传球和射球,现在用左脚踢球,我觉得更加舒适了。
“My little lad said, ‘when are you going to the match dad? “我的小儿子说,‘爸爸,你什么时候去比赛?
“My major is Computer Science. “我的专业是计算机科学。”
“My manhood, long misled by wandering fires,/Followed false lights” (John Dryden). “游移的火焰长久地误导,我的成年时期跟随着虚妄的光”(约翰·德莱顿)。
“My mother had morning sickness after I was born. 我老妈是生完我以后才开始害喜的。
“My name is Beatrice and this is my neighbor Joey,” she said. “He insisted on stopping when he saw you struggling with the tire. “我叫比阿特丽斯,这是我邻居乔伊,”她说,“他看到你在捣鼓轮胎,坚持要停下来帮你。”
“My only warning is that growth never compromises integrity,and I regard integrity as the heart and driving force of this agency. 我唯一的警告是,公司的成长绝不能以正直为代价;我认为,正直是这家广告代理商的灵魂与前进的动力。
“My philosophy, especially for this season, is to think about us, forget the others, go our way, don't look at the other people, don't be worried about what they say and try to live independently. “这个赛季我的态度就是,只考虑我们自己,不去想其他人,走我们自己的路,不看别人的脸色,不关心他们的言行,尽量独立特行。”
“My physique is responding well to treatment and, although I'm not entirely sure yet, I believe I can be back training with the squad next week. “我感觉很好并且非常乐观。我的身体条件经过治疗后恢复得很好,尽管我不能十分确定,但我相信我下周就能够回到一线队进行训练。”
“My position is very delicate, but I will do my best to help Juve regain Serie A. “我的处境是非常微妙的,但我还是会竭尽全力帮助尤文回归甲级。”

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