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So much so that the state holds a three-day Tulip Festival in the city of Pella to remember the sacrifices of the town's Dutch founding fathers.

So much negativity and pessimism surround us everyday that people find it easier to look and what they can't accomplish rather than the possibilities. 如此多的消极和悲观每天围绕着我们,以至于我们认为很多事情都不能做好,但这些恰恰是可能完成的。
So much noise is not consistent with comfort. 这麽多的噪音是与舒适不相容。
So much of modern life can be summarized in that suggestive phrase of Thoreau: Improved means to an Sunimproved end. 方法领先,目的滞后。”索罗那发人深省的警句总结了现代生活中的许多层面。
So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter. 许多那些我为之激动、兴奋、渴望的东西,浪费了我很多的时间和和经历,(结果)原来都是无足轻重的事情。
So much so that he seemed oblivious to the frenzy around him, and did not at first acknowledge the crowd. 到这样的程度以致于他根本不理会跟着他的人群,也没有对周围的人做出任何回应。
So much so that the state holds a three-day Tulip Festival in the city of Pella to remember the sacrifices of the town's Dutch founding fathers. 为了它,他们特地在培拉镇举办一个为期三天的郁金香节,旨在缅怀创办该镇的荷兰祖先,对镇上的贡献。
So much so that when even a small bit of recognition is expressed, it can be fondly remembered for years. 此举促成了一种现象,就是只要我们对别人稍加赞许,也会令对方长久铭记。
So my friends and I decided to gain some pertinent information about her case history to see if it might reveal if her persistent behavior had had any actual effect. 于是我和我的朋友决定就她的案例记录取得一些相关的信息,看能否弄清楚她那坚持不懈的做法是否真的产生过影响。
So my glorious army triumphs again, you are history. 我的光荣的部队又一次胜利了,你成为了历史。
So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun. 20故此,我转想我在日光之下所劳碌的一切工作,心便绝望。
So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking, We've got an unexpected baby boy. 侯选名单上的另外一对夫妇,也就是我的养父母,在一天午夜接到了一通电话:“有一个不请自来的男婴,你们想收养吗?”

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