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The limitations of such methods based on forced oscillation tests are also pointed out.

The limit of the integrand f(x) of abnormal integral, which is convergent in the infinite range of integration, is not certainly equal zero at infinity. 摘要无穷限反常积分收敛时,其被积函数在无穷远处的极限不一定为零。
The limitation of the method is also pointed out in the paper. 文中指出了该法的适用范围。
The limitation of time beyond which an action, a debt, or a crime is no longer valid or enforceable. 追诉期限一个时间限制,若超过该时间限制一个行动,债务或罪行则不再有效或不再可实施
The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated. 对模仿的限制初步被消除.
The limitations of Schmitt toggle circuit, composed of 555 timing circuit, is discussed, a improved Schmitt toggle circuit is given, and proved by using theory and experiment. 摘要论述了常用555定时器构成的施密特触发器电路的局限性,给出了施密特触发器的改进电路,并用理论和实验加以证明和验证。
The limitations of such methods based on forced oscillation tests are also pointed out. 文中还指出了类似的基于受迫振荡圆柱体实验数据的预报模型存在的缺陷。
The limitations on the other hand are that it intensifies the cultural instrumental rationalism, and leads to a vulgar understanding of the role of market economy, which are unfavourable to the holistic and flee individual growth. 其局限性是:强化了文化的工具理性主义色彩,导致对市场经济作用的庸俗化理解,不利于实现人的全面而自由发展。
The limitations that are childlike in the child are childish in the man. 孩童们的天真浪漫,表现在成年人身上则成了幼稚。
The limited availability of arable lands has forced farmers to encroach and cultivate sloping lands to meet food demands. 有限的可耕地迫使农民开发和利用坡地资源来满足对粮食的需求。
The limited hydrothermal karst and mixed zone beneath the anticline axis controls the porosity distribution of Ordovician System and it is anticipated that surroundings of the axis of fold formed by compressional reverse orverthrusting during Indo-Chinese 局限的热液岩溶和裸露的背斜轴部之下的混合带对千米桥潜山奥陶系孔隙分布具有重要控制作用,预期在印支期挤压逆冲作用形成的背斜轴部,特别是潜山内幕背斜形态与潜山顶面形态相互协调的区域,应是储层发育最好的部位。
The limited monarchy which resulted from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 ensured that the powerful economic interests in the community could exert their influence over Government policy. 1688年光荣革命限制了君主的权力,这使得强大的经济利益集团能对政府政策施加影响。

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