That is, it isn't “spilling your guts” to anyone and everyone nosey enough to listen. |
中文意思: 那是﹐并非碰到任何人和每个好管閒事的人就掏心掏肺地说给人听。 |
That is, if a ball flattens down 2 times as much as normal, it will have to get 2 times as wide to keep its volume.
也就是说如果它的高度压扁到比平时水平低2倍,那么它的宽度也应该相应的扩大2倍来保证体积不变。 |
That is, if there will be another team wishing to create another new town, it may be incorporated into the game as well.
就是说,如果有一支新的小组愿意创作另外一个新的城镇,它也是可以被结合到游戏中去的。 |
That is, if you're good enough.
那是,如果你够好的话。 |
That is, in essence, why path dependence exists.
实质上,这是路径依赖存在的原因。 |
That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants.
罗9:8这就是说、肉身所生的儿女、不是神的儿女.惟独那应许的儿女、才算是后裔。 |
That is, it isn't “spilling your guts” to anyone and everyone nosey enough to listen.
那是﹐并非碰到任何人和每个好管閒事的人就掏心掏肺地说给人听。 |
That is, it varies up and down significantly, while generally increasing in magnitude. This is because twisted pair coupling becomes less effective for higher frequencies.
当总体的磁场强度变化时,它明显的上下变化,这是因为双绞线对较高的频率不敏感。 |
That is, most astronomers supposed that the magnetic field is a relic of the time before the star went supernova.
也就是说,大多数的天文学家假设,磁场是变成超新星之前的星体所遗留下来的。 |
That is, of course, the point.
这算做到了点子上。 |
That is, one must run quantum algorithms on the computer.
也就是说,我们必须在电脑上执行量子运算。 |
That is, out of all the signals that a neuron receives, it accepts those from neurons that are consistently active when it is active, and it ignores the rest.
也就是说,神经元在所有接收到的讯号当中,只会接受来自当自己活跃时也会持续产生活性的讯号,并忽略其馀的。 |