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Although America was spared the mayhem of Europe's auctions, its design still had a few problems.

Although 40 K (or -233 degrees Celsius) may sound rather low, it was nearly double the record for compounds made of metals (about 23 K for niobium-based alloys, which are widely used in research and industry). 不过为了某些冠冕堂皇的理由,数十年来它们一直被冷落在实验室的柜子里,不曾有人预见它的无穷潜力。
Although 50 years have passed, “Five Elements of Library Science” still has its practical significance; however, as the research object of library science ,it should include library spirit and rules in addition to “five elements”. 指出尽管已时过50年,“图书馆学五要素”仍然有它的现实意义;但是,作为图书馆学的研究对象,除了“五要素”外,还应包括图书馆精神、规律方面的内容。
Although 7 of Ford's films are among the top grossing films of all time, he has never actually won an Academy Award. 尽管福特出演的影片中有7部一直高居票房收入之冠,他却从未获得过奥斯卡奖。
Although >90% of symptoms have benign causes, breast cancer is always a concern. 虽然>90%症状为良性,但乳腺癌始终是人们的一大担心。
Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, related to onions, garlic and asparagus, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics. 尽管芦荟属于百合科,与洋葱、大蒜和芦笋是近亲,但其功效则与仙人掌十分相似。
Although America was spared the mayhem of Europe's auctions, its design still had a few problems. 尽管美国的这次拍卖幸免于欧洲那样的混乱,但这个计划同样存在一些问题。
Although Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high. 尽管美国人在很多问题上有不同的看法,但他们在一个话题上的意见总是一致的:税收太高。
Although Americans have different views on many issues,they tend to agree on one subject:taxes are too high. 虽然美国人在许多事情上持有不同的观点,但在这一观点上却倾向一致:赋税太高了!
Although Ashley Cole's ankle injury makes him a major doubt for Saturday, the player is able to give the low-down on one section of the Reading side he knows well. 尽管由于脚踝伤势,阿什利·科尔还在为星期六的比赛烦恼不已。他依然给我们提供了他所知道的雷丁队的弱点。
Although Assyrians switched to Aramaic, it was not wholesale transplantation. 虽然亚述语被阿拉母语取代,它却不是被完整移植的。
Although Augustine's City of God provided the inspiration for this work, there can be of course no comparison between the great African theologian's magnum opus and my feeble attempt. 尽管奥古斯丁的「上帝之城」是本书的灵感来源,我这本微不足道的书却无法与伟大的非洲神学家奥古斯丁的堂皇钜着相提并论。

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