Gone is the intellectual insularity of the discipline, and gone is the splendid isolation of social anthropology as well, as a small subject professing access to arcane forms of secret knowledge.
去学科的智力偏狭性,并且去社会人类学的精采隔离,作为一个小主题公开宣称对秘密知识的神秘形式的通入。 |
Gone were the restrictions that prevented blacks voting.
同时,对于黑人投票权的禁锢也被废止。 |
Gone with the Wind has been translated into several languages.
《飘》已被翻译成好几种语言。 |
Gone with the lovers, who let their dreams depart.
随着情侣消失了,情侣们任自己的梦想消散。 |
Gone with the wind: standing under the tree at sunrise, say good-bye to yesterday, say“Tomorrow is another day!
《乱世佳人》(又译《飘》):经典之处在于:女主人公站在树下迎着朝阳,与昨天告别,道:“明天又是新的一天!” |
Gone would be transplant failures and the need for immune-suppressing drugs.
移植手术失败和抗免疫反应药物将成为过去。 |
Gone, too, were the hideous lynchings, which since the Civil War had caused the death of thousands of innocent blacks – hanged without trail by white mobs.
此外,骇人听闻的私刑也宣告结束,如此私刑自南北战争以来曾使得上千个无辜黑人被白人暴徒不加审讯暗地里绞死。 |
Gong Bei Piper film repeatedly Niandao sentence.
龚蓓荜在片中反复念叨的一句话。 |
Gong Gong is the water god in ancient Chinese historiography and the devil of floods, and its change of role dates back to the Rao Xun Dynasty.
共工是中国古代的水官和传说中水患的祸首,其角色的转变应该和尧舜时期共工的名字康回有关。 |
Gong and drum sound s of diction old years olds, joyous song return by cheerful chatting winter jasmine, December 30 school of our school auditorium seething with people, have no empty seat, Celebrating New Year's Day in 2004, the joint performance of lit
锣鼓声声辞旧岁,欢歌笑语迎春归,12月30日我校校礼堂人声鼎沸、座无虚席,2004年庆元旦文艺汇演在这里徐徐拉开帷幕,来自13个县市的学生家长应邀前来观看。 |
Gong's ideas, though not be given due attention in the imperial court, caught eyes at the time and affected the coming generations with strong vitality.
他的思想,虽未见重于当朝,但却醒目于当时,并以其强劲的生命力影响着后世。 |