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Thus, these techniques can serve as parameters for diagnosis of ALD.

Thus, there is no contractual relationship between the principal and the ultimate customers. 因此,最终客户与委托人之间没有直接的契约关系。
Thus, there was a large quantity of land left uncultivated, an overall decay of economics, a deteriorating of social security as well as many up-risings of peasants. 惨烈的自然灾害造成百姓生活困苦不堪,人口锐减;土地大量荒芜,社会经济全面衰败;社会治安恶化,秩序混乱;农民的反抗斗争异常激烈。
Thus, there's still a slim chance that this pair is Macnair &Avery (in which case, the baby-faced Death Eater would have to be Avery, a man whose face, like Crabbe's, Harry has never seen before). 因此,仍然有很小的可能,这两人是麦克尼尔&埃弗里(在这种情况下,有婴儿头的食死徒将肯定是埃弗里,像克拉布一样,哈利从未见到过他的脸)。
Thus, these exciting preliminary analyses revealed that it was possible to mimic at least some sequelae of caloric restriction without reducing food intake. 因此,这些令人兴奋的先期分析指出,无需降低食量就能模拟限食引起的某些后续结果——这确实是可能的。
Thus, these studies may also be interpreted as indirect proof of absorption. 因此,这些研究还可以作为说明喜疗妥吸收性的间接证据。
Thus, these techniques can serve as parameters for diagnosis of ALD. 以上结果表示利用上述之检查技术可作为肾上腺白质退化症之一诊断工具。
Thus, they have a built-in incentive to sit on the fence. 这种情况下,他们有一种内在动力去保持中立。
Thus, they limited the scope of governmental authority. 因此,他们限制了政府权威的范围。
Thus, they opposed laissez-faire economic theory, which calls for selling at the highest possible price and buying at the lowest possible price. 因此,他们反对自由放任主义的经济理论,也就是以最低价买进货品,以最高价卖出的理论。
Thus, things once learned subconsciously through the casual communications of the extended family must be consciously learned. 这样一来,曾经可以在大家庭中耳濡目染而来的常识而今就必须有意识地去掌握了。
Thus, this animal model is suitable for further investigation of airway hyper-senstitvity in human beings. 这对对于我们深入研究呼及道过敏症的发生机转及治疗应当有很大的帮助。

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