7 In cases of problem loans, a monthly follow-up cum review report is required to be submitted to the authority, within whose delegation the present outstanding plus the uncharged interest, if any, falls.
对于不良贷款,分行应每月向领导提交追踪调查报告及复查报告,正是在该领导的批准下当前贷款及利息(如有的话)都未能收回。 |
7 Inhale and slowly raise the head and bend backward as much as possible, bending the spine to the maximum.
第七式吸气,接着身体向前,腹部贴地,头向上抬起,胸部也慢慢态起,眼睛向上看,手肘伸直,双腿要并拢,脚背贴地,全身放松。 |
7 Irrigation: No untreated sewage water may be used for irrigation. Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water.
灌溉:任何没有经过处理的污水沟都不能用于灌溉。使用的灌溉方法要考虑到水资源的可持续性和水的质量。 |
7 Is the average and range of Solder Paste height measurements SPC controlled?
锡膏厚度测量的平均值和间距SPC是否受控? |
7 Is your push away getting lazy.
七)是否把球推的有气无力? |
7 It is unfortunately not the highest score for your cabal. But better luck next time!
7很不幸的,这不是你们阵营最高的得分。但是祝福你们队伍下次能有更好的表现! |
7 It's not always warm in winter in Hong Kong.
在香港,冬天并不是一直暖和。 |
7 Items such as chewing tobacco; snuff and toothpicks are not allowed in plant.
在工厂嚼烟叶、鼻烟和牙签都是禁止项目。 |
7 Kanai K, Kako M, okamoto H. HCV genotypes in chronic hepatitis C and response to interferon. Lancet, 1992, 339: 1543.
5黄祖瑚,周东辉,查文章,等.有偿供血员、丙型肝炎及原发性肝癌患者HCV基因分型.中华传染病杂志,1995,13:89-91. |
7 LPG station: Refers to a business place with a gas storage facility and metered gas-servicing equipment installed so that the built-in container of a vehicle can be filled with LPG.
七加气站:指备有储气设施及流量式加气机,为汽车固定容器加注液化石油气之场所。 |
7 Linked more to the Third World and Asia than to the Europe of America's racial and cultural roots, Los Angeles and southern California will enter the twenty-first century as a multiracial and multicultural society.
洛杉矶以及南加州与第三世界和亚洲的联系要比与美国的民族、文化之根欧洲的联系密切,因此将以一个多民族、多元文化的社会进入21世纪。 |