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My wife shared with me in distress.

My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not lose the job. 因为我在学校的功课自然是耽误不得的。
My wife never spends all the money I bring home every month. She insists on saving for a rainy day. 我妻子从来不会把我每个月带回家的钱花光,她坚持存钱以备不时之需。
My wife rounded on me when I came home drunk. 我喝醉了,一回到家妻子就对我发火。
My wife said, both are good; one is boundless and the other is perfect, Yuan Man. 我内人说:两个都好;一个是无限,而另一个是圆满。
My wife served the dishes. (内人在端菜。)
My wife shared with me in distress. 妻子与我共患难。
My wife spent all afternoon yesterday cooking a special dinner for our wedding anniversary. 他说:“为了庆祝我们结婚周年,我太太化了整个下午精心烹调。可是,我昨晚晚了三个小时才回家。
My wife takes them to my house when school finishes and when the game is over around five or six pm, their families pick them up. 放学时,我的妻子带他们到我家里,玩到五,六点,他们的家长会把他们接回去。”
My wife tends to wake up early in the morning. 我太太倾向在早晨早起。
My wife then said, Since the money is meant for you, you might as well just go into town and buy whatever you fancy. 妻说:“反正这钱是给你的,自己拿到街上去,看看你自己喜欢的就买吧。”
My wife thinks nothing of spending a hundred pounds on a new dress. 我妻子把花100英镑去买一件新衣服,看成是小事一桩。

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