Grassis a criminal slang for informer.
grass 是罪犯用的俚语,意思是“告密的人”。 |
Great! Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall.
太棒了,沿著电线找下去,看它有没有没插在墙上? |
Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's plugged into the wall.
好样的,沿电源线找插头,告诉我插头是不是插入了墙壁。 |
Greenhouse effectdistracts our reluctant attention to the emissions of automotive exhaust.
温室效应”使得我们必须注意汽车尾气的排放。 |
Gregory, fine-looking scarf — not scarf, what do you call that thingsaid Bush. It's strong.
布希说:「葛蕾格利,围巾很好看,喔,不是围巾,你管那个叫什麽来的?够呛的。」 |
Gretel,she cried in a rage, fetch some water. I will kill and cook Hansel today.
“格莱特,”她愤怒地嚷道,“去那些水来。今天我要把亨舍儿杀了煮着吃。” |
Groak...neither...the man cried painfully and said, He is the first husband of my wife...Croak!Why did you die so early?
这男人哭的如此伤心,守墓的人经过,就很同情的走过去问:"他是你的父亲还是你的兄弟? |
Guess what, sir?the clerk said. I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we\'ve had so long!
“猜猜看发生什么事了,经理。”店员说,“我终于把那套一直压在这儿的难看透顶的西装卖出去了!” |
Guo Nian,meaning passing the year,is the common term among the Chinese people for celebrating the Spring Festival.
“过年”意义为“度过这一年”,是中国百姓庆祝春节的共同术语。 |
His for happiness, being happy with who you are and what you do in life.
代表快乐,对自己所处的位置,自己所做的事情感到快乐。 |
H'm, I know of!
“嗯,我知道的! |