A medical institution shall apply to the original Public Health Administrative Department, which has approved the practice registration, for handling the examination procedures for the Practice License of Medical Institution” three months before the expir |
中文意思: 医疗机构应当在校验间隔期满前3个月内,持《医疗机构执业许可证》正、副本和上一年度卫生行政部门检查考核结果或者医疗机构评审委员会的评审结论,向原执业登记的卫生行政部门申请办理《医疗机构执业许可证》校验手续。 |
A medical education can be very costly, especially at a private school.
一个医疗教育很贵,特别在私立学校。 |
A medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home?
大夫或者护士不在跟前就能进行体格检查?在家里就能选购东西? |
A medical examiner found that the death was accidental cause (caused) by a mixture of medicines.
一个药物检验员发现死因是混和服用多种药物。 |
A medical examiner in Broward County, Florida performed an autopsy Friday, trying to determine what killed the 39-year-old Playboy playmate and model.
周五,佛罗里达州布罗瓦郡的一名验尸官为其验尸,设法找出使这位39岁的《花花公子》玩伴女郎及模特致死的原因。 |
A medical institution has the right to demand that the family member of the deceased must transport the corpse to the funeral house for cremation within the above regulated time limit.
医疗机构有权要求死者家属在前款规定的尸体存放期限内,将尸体移送殡葬馆火化。 |
A medical institution shall apply to the original Public Health Administrative Department, which has approved the practice registration, for handling the examination procedures for the Practice License of Medical Institution” three months before the expir
医疗机构应当在校验间隔期满前3个月内,持《医疗机构执业许可证》正、副本和上一年度卫生行政部门检查考核结果或者医疗机构评审委员会的评审结论,向原执业登记的卫生行政部门申请办理《医疗机构执业许可证》校验手续。 |
A medical institution shall charge medical fees according to the standards stipulated by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department and Price Control Bureau, and shall provide corresponding receipts.
医疗机构收取医疗费用,应当执行市卫生、物价行政部门规定的标准,并出具相应收据。 |
A medical institution shall display the Practice License of Medical Institution, medical subjects of diagnosis and treatment, service timetable, layout of medical departments and service charge list in the conspicuous places.
医疗机构应当将《医疗机构执业许可证》、诊疗科目、诊疗时间、诊疗科室分布示意图和收费标准置于明显位置。 |
A medical institution shall exercise the system that every worker, when working at his/her post shall bear an identification card marked with his/her work number and job.
医疗机构应当实行工作人员佩带载有本人工号、职务的标牌上岗的制度。 |
A medical institution shall place the corpse of a patient in the mortuary in time.
医疗机构应当及时将病人尸体存放停尸室。 |
A medical institution shall properly keep the medical record cards of patients.
医疗机构应当妥善地保管病人的病历卡。 |