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After a long war, the exhausted enemy held out the olive branch.

After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land. 1过了许久、到第三年、耶和华的话临到以利亚、说、你去、使亚哈得见你.我要降雨在地上。
After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels exhausted. 在经过炎热的一天长途步行之后,大家常常感到和疲倦.
After a long walk, a nap would be my cup of tea . 走了那么远的路后,我最想做的事就是小睡片刻了。
After a long walk, it's pleasant to sit back with a drink and look out at the view. 走了一大段路后,舒舒服服地靠坐在椅子上,边喝饮料边欣赏外面的风景。
After a long war between England and Spain from 1588 to 1603, England renewed attempts to colonize North America. 在1588~1603年英国与西班牙之间漫长的战争之后,英国继续尝试在北美开辟殖民地。
After a long war, the exhausted enemy held out the olive branch. 经过一场长时间的搏斗之后,敌军筋疲力尽,表示愿意讲和。
After a long, bloody war in the Sudan, the governments of the United States and Russia struck an uneasy cease-fire over the fate of Africa and its burgeoning industry. 经历了一场漫长浴血的苏丹战争之后,美俄两国政府之间,就非洲的命运和其萌芽中的工业艰难地签订了停火协议。
After a long, hard day at work, it's always nice to come home and unwind. 辛苦工作了漫长的一天后,回家放松总是很好的。
After a long, leisurely dinner, he got a call on his cell phone. 一段又长又轻松的晚餐后,他用手机接了一个电话。
After a long, long season and an equally long time celebrating Chelsea's first League title in fifty years, jubilant Chelsea manager, José Mourinho shared his feelings. 在漫长的赛季和同样持久的俱乐部五十年来首个顶级联赛冠军的庆祝典礼之后,主教练何塞穆里尼奥喜形于色,并向我们分享了他的感受。
After a magnificent score for Jurassic Park in the same year, Williams produced (arguably) the most moving and powerful score of his career. 在为电影侏罗纪公园作曲取得巨大成功之后,同年,威廉姆斯创作出了他职业生涯中最为有力的动人篇章。

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