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Here are some references for NRQCD &NRQED: Renormalization Group Scaling in Nonrelativistic QCD on the multipole expansion, The QCD Heavy Quark Potential to Order V**2: One Loop Matching Conditions on matching calculations.

Here are some personal comments and observations. 以下是一些个人评论和观点。
Here are some photos attributed to these unsung heroes who tirelessly supported our winners on the stage. 以下是一些幕后英雄在比赛时的写实。感谢这些无名英雄为我们优胜者所做的支援。
Here are some phrases you may use! 这儿有一些你能用到的短语。
Here are some pictures taken by our bird—journalists . 这是鸟类记者拍下的照片(放映幻灯片)。
Here are some products imported from abroad. 这是一些从国外进口的产品。
Here are some references for NRQCD &NRQED: Renormalization Group Scaling in Nonrelativistic QCD on the multipole expansion, The QCD Heavy Quark Potential to Order V**2: One Loop Matching Conditions on matching calculations. 11下面是非相对论性量子色动力学和非相对论性量子电动力学的一些参考资料:关于多极展开的非相对论性量子色动力学中的重整化群定标,关于匹配计算的V**2阶的量子色动力学重夸克势:单圈匹配条件。
Here are some short-term ways to handle stress: take a walk, take a bath, take a coffee break, listen to soothing music, find a quiet place to read or pray, and talk to a friend. 这儿有一些短期抒解压力的方法:散散步、洗个澡、喝杯咖啡休息一下、听听轻柔的音乐、找个安静的地方阅读或祷告、及找个朋友聊聊。
Here are some shortcuts for turning beginners into pro's! 这里就有让初学者变成专业人士的快捷方式!
Here are some suggestions for handling … 这是如何处理革事的一些建议。
Here are some suggestions that merit our attentions. 这里有一些建议,值得我们注意。
Here are some things you can do to make an effective oral presentation. 接下的的内容是讲如何发表一个有效的演讲。

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