Why can't I have my heading-photo?
为什么我不能自定义头像? |
Why can't I just leave the stage?
为什么我不能离开这个舞台? |
Why can't I sell)any matches.
为什么能不我卖)任何的比赛。 |
Why can't I use that computer?
(为什么我不能用那台电脑?) |
Why can't great nations act in the same sensible way?
那些大国为什么就不能同样明智地行事呢? |
Why can't learning knowledge be as pleasant and enchanting as entertainment?
为什么学习知识不能和娱乐一样令人乐而忘倦、心醉神迷? |
Why can't the world come to an end?
世界为什么不会末日临头? |
Why can't we be leaders, but always followers?
为什么我们不能做领导者,而老是跟随。 |
Why can't we practise euthanasia to stop the throes?
为什么不能用安乐死来结束他的痛苦? |
Why can't we share our pain?
为什么我们不能分担我们的痛苦? |
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
为什么女人在染睫毛油时关闭她们的嘴? |