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Washington, D.C. China has emerged as a global force that is driving consumption and production of almost everything through the roof, according to Vital Signs 2005, the latest publication from the Washington D.C.-based Worldwatch Institute.

Washington supporting Israel and the Kremlin sponsoring enemy regimes and their terrorist offshoots. 美国支持的以色列以及克林姆林宫支持的反美武装。
Washington was a good boy. 华盛顿小时候是一个好孩子。
Washington's 29-year-old Metro system gets hundreds of complaints a year, most about delayed trains, but complaints of inaudible or unintelligible train announcements are among the biggest gripes, with 168 registered from April 2004 through March of this 有二十九年历史的华府地下铁,每年接获成百上千宗投诉,大多数是关于误点,但听不见或听不懂站名广播,也名列大宗抱怨之林,从二○○四年四月到今年三月,就有一百六十八件登记有案的类似抱怨,地铁发言人坎蒂丝?史密斯说。
Washington, D.C. was oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment. 对于莫斯科大使馆被攻击,华盛顿方面是出奇的平静。
Washington, D.C.: Wanna Be Mayor? 华盛顿特区:嗨,想当市长吗?
Washington, D.C. China has emerged as a global force that is driving consumption and production of almost everything through the roof, according to Vital Signs 2005, the latest publication from the Washington D.C.-based Worldwatch Institute. 华盛顿特区——据华盛顿世界观察研究所最近出版的《维生征象2005》报道,中国已经成为高速推动全球各种物资生产和消费的重要力量。
Washington, DC– Good morning. It is with great pleasure that I welcome Vice PremierWu and your colleagues to Washington, and the second meeting of theStrategic Economic Dialogue. 早上好。欢迎吴副总理及您的同事来华盛顿参加今年第二次战略经济对话会议。
Washington: Help! We're Overrun By Nerds And Slackers! 华盛顿州:救命呀!我们这里的蠢货和懒鬼已经泛滥成灾了!
WashingtonUniversity in Saint Louis was named Eliot Seminary when it opened in 1853. 圣路易斯华盛顿大学在1853年创建时名为埃利奥特神学院。
Washingtonians can now drop their pooches off at a pet hotel that cares for their friendly canines in a five-star environment. 华盛顿的市民现在可以把他们的宠物狗送到宠物旅馆里去了。在那里,他们的爱犬将享受到五星级的服务。
Wasn't The Wasteland resounding in my brain? 难道《荒原》的文字不是在我的脑海里回荡吗?

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