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Russian, Japanese, and Hindi are a few examples.

Russian painter who influenced the development of abstract art. His works include White on White(1918). 马里维奇,凯斯米尔1878-1935俄罗斯画家,对抽象艺术的发展具有很大的影响。他的作品包括白中之白(1918年)
Russian physiologist who is best known for discovering the conditioned response. He won a1904 Nobel Prize for research on the nature of digestion. 巴甫洛夫,伊凡·彼得洛维奇1849-1936俄国生理学家,因发现条件反射而著名,他1904年因在研究消化作用的特征方面的贡献而获诺贝尔奖
Russian private higher education has been booming since transition. 摘要转型以来,俄罗斯私立高等教育迅速发展。
Russian prosecutors are investigating claims that staff at a hospital gagged babies with tape because they were fed up with hearing them cry. 英国卫报指出,俄罗斯一间医院的工作人员用胶布封住婴儿的嘴巴,因为他们受够婴儿整天的哭闹不休。俄罗斯检察官正在调查这起让人感到不可思议的事件。
Russian warships from the Pacific and Black Sea fleets have left port to begin a long-planned deployment into the Indian Ocean, culminating in a major exercise with the Indian Navy early next month. 俄罗斯太平洋及黑海舰队的舰船已经离开港口前往印度洋开始计划已久的调遣行动--其目的为下个月初与印度海军的联合演习。
Russian, Japanese, and Hindi are a few examples. 比如俄语、日语、北印度语等都有许多类似的情况。
Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis. 列昂捷夫,瓦斯利生于1906俄裔美籍经济学家。因其策划经济学分析的投入一产出技巧而获1973年的诺贝尔奖
Russian-born American nuclear physicist known for his work on radioactivity and genetic information as well as his books popularizing theories of physics. 伽莫夫,乔治1904-1968俄国裔的美国核物理学家,因在射线遗传信息方面的研究和有关普及物理理论的书籍而闻名于世
Russian-born American pianist noted for his interpretations of Chopin and Liszt. 霍罗威茨,弗拉基米尔1904-1989俄裔美国钢琴家,因其对肖邦和李斯特作品的演奏而著名
Russian-born American violinist noted for his pure intonation and interpretive sense. 津巴利斯特,埃弗莱姆1889-1985俄裔美国小提琴家,他以纯正的音调和解释的能力而著名
Russians elect Boris Yeltsin as the president of their republic. 1991年的今天,俄罗斯选举鲍里斯·叶利钦为共和国的总统。

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