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My antenna is a vertical antenna.Because I have some space limit. In the big eity, we have this type of problems.

My angel, how do I wanna press close to you,listen to your heart beat momently, and dance with you merrily! 天使,多想贴近你,倾听你每时每刻的生命旋律,与你欢快起舞。
My ankles look puffy and there are dents in the skin when I press them. 我的足踝好像肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。
My answer in the above, although I know that many, But still I hope you can tell me what those mean. Today, I made a photograph, not received? 我的回答都在上面,虽然我知道很多,但是还是希望你能告诉我这些是什么意思.我今天发了照片,没收到吗?
My answer seemed to come from the subconscious. 我的回答似乎出自下意识。
My answer to my husband's question is that I believe one of the most important things I can do while I'm on this planet is honor those I love through celebrations, and the older I get, the more I believe it. 我给丈夫的答案是,我相信在这个地球上为了庆祝给我所爱以荣耀,我所能做的最重要的事情就是这个了,随着年龄的增长我越来越相信这一点。
My antenna is a vertical antenna.Because I have some space limit. In the big eity, we have this type of problems. 我的天线是一副垂直天线。因为我的空间受到限制,在大城市我们有这方面的问题。
My antenna is on the roof about thirty meters high from the ground. 我的天线在屋顶上离地面30米高。
My anxiety began to melt away as we walked through a verdant valley and I sensed my folks' wonder and delight, taking in the vistas and the peasants picking crabapples off of fruit-laden trees. 我们徒步穿过一片青翠的山谷,透过树林看到了远处的景色,还看到当地的农民在果实累累的山楂树上采摘,这时我感到了家人的惊奇及愉悦,心中的焦虑也渐渐散去。
My anxiety that she might leave me made me pass a sleepless night. 我忧心说她可能离开我,使我度过失眠的一夜。
My apartment has a water tank, so the water rationing doesn't really affect us. 我的公寓有一座大水塔,所以限水并没有真的影响到我们。
My apartment is on fire! 我的公寓着火了!

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