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hematemesis or melena;
上消化道出血或黑便 ;

Economic different between drainage and concretion and extrusion with sand pickets are analyzed. 分析比较了排水固结法与挤密砂桩处理软土地基的工程经济性。
Giant cells in the alveoli were seen in five of patients(/), most of which were positive for the epithelial marker AE/AE (/), but some cells were positive for the macrophage marker CD8(/). 例中有例可见巨细胞在肺泡内浸润,巨细胞大多AE/AE 阳性(/),少数CD8阳性(/);
Inifer and iniferter agents. 引发转移和引发转移终止剂;
The percentage of isolated pyloric pressure waves (IPPW) was .8%, 9.7 % (P<0.00) at 0min, and 9. %. .%(P<0.0) at 0min in HS and FD. 幽门孤立性收缩波在餐后0分钟分别为.8%、9.7%(P<0.00),0分钟为9. %、.%(P<0.0)。
bending and extending strength of unit weight of cyclist's legs is larger than that of sprinters and swimmers,especially in fast case,the margin is 8%. 自行车运动员腿部的单位体重屈伸力量大于短跑游泳运动员,尤其在快速情况下,其差值高达8%。
hematemesis or melena; 上消化道出血或黑便 ;
no affective conflicts+depression+having given spirit support to friends+ApoE-/ ; 无情感冲突+抑郁+给予朋友精神支持+ApoE-E/ ;
The activition energies of B/CuO and B/BaCrO delay composition are diminishing with the augment of B in the delay composition. B/CuO和B/BaCrO_延期药的活化能随硼含量的增大而减小。
Otherlarva migrans had been excluded. 排除其它蠕虫移行症。
Charcot articulation in ; 夏科氏关节 例 ;
The threshold concentration of diet leading to pseudofeces production in Manila clam [shell length ( . ±0.0)cm; dry tissue weight (0.±0.0)g] was around .mg POM/L. 水温 ℃ ,投喂小球藻的条件下 ,实验结果显示蛤仔 [壳长 ( . ± 0 .0 )cm、软体部干重 (0 .± 0 .0 )g]产生假粪的阈值为 . mgPOM /L。

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